
Is anyone using herbals to help with depression?

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Hey guys.Is anyone out there currently using any herbal or alternative meds for depression and anxiety?I am currently going off lexapro.I bought some pills off the internet called Amoryn and Seredyn.I've done the research on them and they seem very promising,but im still alittle skeptical.Has anyone else heard of these pills?




  1. I used to suffer from severe depression and was unable to work. I found St Johns Wort was useful although it can make you photosensitive. I also used brainwave entrainment and that not only cured my depression but enabled me to overcome a 25 year addiction to alcohol as well.

    Exercise is great too, as endorphines are released when you exercise and they will make you feel better.

  2. Marijuana is the best thing I could ask for.

    No worries, no problems.

    I just wanna eat, be happy, and talk to everyone.

    Its not for everyone, but its deifnately for me!

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