
Is anyone waiting for the big war with Iran?

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Are you watching the news and wondering if we will go to war with Iran?




  1. it will most likely be an october surprise... if mccain needs a boost.

  2. what i think is that israel will bomb them and their nuclear capabilities and the u.s will support maybee not publically but they will support it . and i agree

  3. There will be no war with Iran..Iran is a Paper Tiger.

  4. Yep, be afraid! Iran has too many ambiguities - they're not be trusted.

    PS. Heatherdeancaine, the asker's question doesn't appear to indicate that he has a desire for war!

  5. you bet ye, aren't we all.

  6. Everybody except Bush and MacCain. If MacCain is gonna lose the election, Bush deffenitely Kick off Iran war so that the Democrats will be forced to deal with it.Thats how politics works.

    You dont need to be rocket scientist to understand Bush's stupid

  7. No. I am waiting for diplomacy and reason to take hold. The president and the UN are doing their best to avoid a war. The leftists are doing their best to cause it. So they can have something else to whine about.

  8. Yes. Big oil is patiently waiting til cheney gives the go ahead, cause they want Iran's oil too

  9. I'm not wondering at all about if.

    Just wondering when and how it will start.

    Good news is there is no troop buildup yet like there was in the months prior to Iraq being invaded.

  10. It's pretty scary. But I am also bracing for another revolution in America. Times they are a changing.

  11. If you are so keen to see war with Iran, why don't you enlist with the US military?????

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