
Is anyone wary of all of the talk about Obama's supposed lack of experience?

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John F. Kennedy was the youngest President ever elected, and was done so in the middle of the Cold War. The ultimate 3 AM moment took place during his Presidency, and we can all agree he handled it perfectly as we are here to discuss it.

Bill Clinton, the third youngest President ever elected, presided over a long period of prosperity and relative peace.

George W. Bush was governor of Texas for five years - his only political experience prior to becoming President.




  1. JFK was not the lib of today...

    He had the Gonads to stand up to Khruschev and made him blink first.

    He put Principles before Party.

    I don't see that quality in Obama.... I simply see the 21st century's "Neville Chamberlain".

    I knew JFK, and sir..... Obama is NO JFK !

  2. Biden seemed to be concerned.

    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You were asked, “Is he ready?” You said, “I think he can be ready but right now, I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.”

    JOE BIDEN: I think that I stand by the statement.

  3. Worried? No. It's one of the hundreds of reasons I wouldn't vote for him.

  4. It is interesting to look at the people who are behind Obama's fundraising machine. They are silicon valley entrepeneurs. They were not at all put off by Obama's age. They are used to pumping money into companies run by 25 year old CEOs who turn their millions into billions. Obama reminded them of these types - young, but extremely bright, full of good ideas and charismatic. That is what is necessary for leadership and it will be good for America.

  5. Lack of experience is a republican myth - they have a lot more in their closet

  6. Obama has never even passes legislation, and voted on less issues than any other senator in a two year span. If Obama is so wonderful, why is this such a close election?

  7. The Soviets would not have been their in the first place if not

    for the unqualified Kennedy,

    Who was responsible for the arms race

    Clinton provided over a gutted military that produced a concocted

    surplus, and gave us a recession a real one,

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