
Is anyone watching Scariest Places on Earth on Sci Fi right now?

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What's the name of that island? Pogvilia or something....I can't find it on Google. What's the correct spelling? Thanks.




  1. i am! this is a good show!

    scaryyyyyyy :/ hahaha

    ok soo look at this website for information.

    i know wikipedia kinda sucks but whateverrrr.

  2. I AM!!!

    its about the bell tower with the african american family rite?

    i want to be on this show sooo bad!!!

    ur rite its an extremely small island called pogvilia but im not sure of the spelling but im pretty sure you have it rite

    they said that a doctor worked there that removed the top of the skull of his patients and moved the brain around to look for evil. then he ended up going insane and jumping off the tower. it was an asylum i believe and they burned masses of bodies and even buried and burned people alive. like torture!!!

  3. I was

    it looked pretty scary

    anyone think the creepy voice announcing the facts was hilarious...idk i thought it was

    wikipedia prolly has some info on it....

    or just type in "haunted Povilia" in google

  4. poveglia

  5. Apparently some people are (see answers above).  I'm glad I could help.

  6. Cool...Is it still on?

  7. Scariest Places on Earth i just seen the part of Poveglia

    You can find more information from my site:

    i collecting some videos about it

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