
Is anyone watching "The Contender" Muay Thai Asia show?

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If so what do you think so far? (2 episodes so far)




  1. God yea! Searched the internet high and low to buy it ended up watchin the whole thing in 10 minute slots on bloody youtube! Think you'll be supprised who wins!

  2. yeah, I wasn't expecting it to be full muay thai. I didn't think elbow shots and all the blood that goes with them would go over too well with american tv, but I was wrong it is the real deal.

    The contests are stupid because the fighters are going to tire out and risk injury, but that is what people expect from reallity tv, but it does help show some of the character of the fighters.

    Showing the fights in full is good, I didn't like the edited fights of the boxing series, but it takes up half the programme so you aren't ging to get to know many of the fighters much until they get a few eliminated. With 16 guys I woudn't be able to tell who was who really even if they just spent the whole hour having them sitting around talking. Once they get through the first round of fights and you have seen some people win I think I will take more intrest in who the fighters are.

    I think everyone has underestimated the Scottish guy though.

  3. are we talking about a second series. if so i wasn't aware of it starting if it's the first then yes its brilliant

  4. Overall it has been enjoyable. The tests to determine choosing opponents are unnecessary, but the fights have been fun.

  5. I like it conceptually - bringing good fighters from all over the world to train together and compete is a cool concept.  The stupid challenges are um...stupid.  Who cares if they can row a Dragon Boat or run a relay race tied together?

    I'm not in love with they way they pull it off so far.  I don't feel connected to the fighters like I think you should - I don't really pull for the underdog and the fights have been predictable.  I'd like to see more of the training - all they show are these wide shots or clips of the guys hitting pads, heavy bag, etc.  So the training footage is lame.  And there are fighters I'd like to see more of as far as personality (the Thai guys in particular).  So I'll say the editing sucks from my standpoint.

    But I like the Thai guys so far - super confident, skilled, and proud warriors.  And I think the French captain is interesting (he's such a jerk - it's a perfect balance for John Wayne).  And I think the long arch of the show will be better than the individual shows.  The tension will build, and fights will get better (the first 2 were lame).

    I know it was already aired in the UK, and you can watch the whole season on Youtube etc. but I'm waiting week by week to see the thing unfold.  Besides what else is on Wed nights?  

  6. forgot that it was on already but i definately will now,

    beats the h**l out of boxing.  

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