
Is anyone willing to say they will not vote for McCain because he is White?

by  |  earlier

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This question keeps getting asked because it focuses people on a major factor in this election. I also asked the opposite question with respect to Obama.




  1. I like John Kerry back then so I like white people but I'm tired of the same so I'm going for Obama.

  2. i'm not voting for him any ways. just think if he would die during office and that would mean sarah would become the president and she wouldnt last 3 days b/c she has her hands full with her daughter and the wedding

  3. im not voting for him because he is white...same way i wouldnt vote for obama if he were white....i am voting for mccain and palin because together they are the best for the not voting for obama because he is the worst person after my 12 year old for the job....

  4. Im mostly black(some irish) and I won't say that because it's not true. I liked Bill Clinton and would vote for him now if I could. I vote for who I can agree with the most, about the issues facing this country. If McCain turns out to be the one that I agree with more, then I will vote for McCain.

    I really don't care about petty things like race, age etc. Anyone who does needs to grow up.

  5. Black people have been voting for white candidates since they were able to vote. If there was a Black Republican running for office he still wouldn't get the black vote because he's republican..race has nothing to do with it.

  6. that is the stupidest reason ever not vote for someone

  7. They won;'t say it out loud but 90% of the black commuity will....

  8. your question is moot.  Most black people were democrats BEFORE there was a black guy running.

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