
Is anyone willing to say they will not vote for Obama because he is Black?

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I'm just curious to find out if anyone is willing to say it out loud, or in this case, write it down as a Yahoo! Answer.




  1. Why does this question keep getting asked?  

    I am not voting for Obama because he is a socialist and a racist.  Though I am sure there are many who won't vote for him for that reason.  On the other hand, I also wonder why so many blacks are voting for him....because he is black, that's why!!  And they freely admit it.  So in essence, they probably cancel each other out.

    The fact that so many of his supporters keep bringing this up, leads me to believe it is you who are racist.  Can't we all just evolve beyond that?

    And for the record, I would have hands-down voted for Colin Powell if he were running!  And he is BLACKER than NOBAMA...both his parents are black, unlike NOBAMA who is part black and part 'white folk!'

  2. Voting for him because he's black is equally racist to voting against him for the same reason.

    I'm not voting for him because he intends to re-Carter-ize our economy.  He's also two-faced and elitist.  I could probably live with the latter if I didn't think the former wouldn't put me out of a job

  3. I will not say that because that is the LAST reason I would use to not elect someone.  If McCain was the black hoagie instead of the white hoagie, I'd still vote for him.

  4. anyone who does she go die in a whole that is wrong you should vote for his ideas not his skin color and well anyone is better then bush =D

  5. I always said h**l will freeze over before I ever voted for a black president Guess what..... h**l just froze, Its Obama all the way  

  6. His race doesn't bother me but I know plenty of people who won't vote for him because of it and since they'll never have their voices heard on here, I'll do them a favor...

    5+ of my friends and family

  7. I'm a white woman, mutt decent but white, but I have black family members that I love very much, I can honestly say I wouldn't vote for him because when I think of Obama, I think of Carter and how my mother had to live on pop corn for 2 weeks working 3 jobs because she couldn't pay for enough groceries for 3 kids as well as herself. We can't survive in an Obama world, not the middle class anyway. And to all the democrats who are affliliated as such because of taxes, Rich people are already taxed more because they are rich, I understand that, by why increase their taxes because they are successful and give it to welfare which seems to promote laziness?

  8. A lot of Republicans will give cop-out reasons, but that is a factor.  I live and work in midwest Missouri.  Trust me.  Anything besides a white christian in power, and we're going to h**l in a hand basket.  Which we are anyway, but not for that reason.

  9. I won't vote for him because he's a Marxist who believes in redistributing wealth instead of allowing individuals to be rewarded by amassing wealth on their own through their own efforts.

    I live in a predominantly black section of my home town, and during the primaries I heard a LOT of black people say that they didn't care what he stood for or even if he ruined the country, he was black and that's all they needed to know.

    Put Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams on a ticket for President and VP, and I'll be first in line to vote.  Those two men are brilliant and know more about economics than most of us could learn if we lived 3 lifetimes.  

    I will vote for a black man for president - or a black woman - just as soon as one is nominated who shares my views on what is important for the future of our country.  

  10. When they do exit polls 2 to 5% of the voters say this depending on the state. About an equal number openly admit they are voting for him because he is black.

  11. Guilty as charged.

  12. What country are you from that nobody is allowed to have a different opinion as you  (they must be racist).  I happen  to be not voting for Obama because I'm afraid his views on the issues will destroy the U.S of A , However I am voting for McCain because I believe the issues I hold dear will be upheld. You are the bigot.

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