
Is anyone without sin (according to the christian definition of the word)?

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I asked why Free Will must necessitate sin, and several christians answered that it didn't. It was a choice we make.

I agree that it SHOULD be so. But if not one single person in history is without sin (let's not count you-know-who, since he is obviously an exception), isn't it rather disingenuous to pretend that sinning is a choice? I mean, the specific sins we commit are choices, but the fact that we WILL sin is clearly not.




  1. the only one who was without sin was Jesus

  2. Hardly any Christian pays attention to what is written in the Bible about "free will"...

    According to the Bible, there is free will in Heaven!!! The Bible writers explain to us that no sooner God created Heaven with all the angels 1/3 of them rebelled against him on the SPOT and became demons!!! IMHO this is a major glitch in God’s Creation that Christians refuse to discuss! During the 6 day creation week God was very busy creating the rest of the Universe and h**l to do anything about this rebellion right away, but he scheduled to have all the rebellious angels evicted from Heaven and cast down to Earth along with Satan during the “Tribulation Period” after the Rapture™! In the meantime they can still commute back and forth to Earth even today (Rev. 12:9). So according to the Bible writers before Eve ever touched the forbidden fruit, 1/3 of the "innumerable host of Heaven" actually rebelled against God on free will!!! It is a shame that not even one single “Guardian Angel” was available to watch over and protect Eve from committing an UNKNOWN EVIL like eating from the fruit of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL that has the potential of sending the bulk of humanity that God loves so much to h**l “prepared for Satan and his angels” (Mat. 25:41). She learned that it was evil only afterwards when her “eyes were opened!” Only an “All Wise God” would set her up like that so the bulk of humanity would end up in h**l! Later on more angels banded together to quit Heaven in the days of Noah when they noticed that the girls from around here were "BEAUTIFUL" so they had s*x and family with them (Gen 6:1-2) – This is a clue in the Bible that male angels have well developed and well hung sexual organs, and that s*x in Heaven must be very lousy or the female angels very ugly and prudish that they had to look elsewhere for a better deal not even 1,000 years soon after their creation... and so on... Remember that "without gullibility… (Oops, sorry) faith it is impossible to please God!" (Heb 11:6) and most Christians hardly read the Bible and stop to think what they are reading! They let the Clergy read it for them! The classical “When we get to Heaven God will tell us all that we need to know” is what makes Christianity so thriving! In all honesty the Bible is an open book! The Bible writers and translators were men like you and I who couldn’t resist telling religious people how they ought to worship the Bible God, Elohim, Adonai, Yahweh, HaShem, Jehovah, Dio, Dios, Deus, Theo (Greek Zeus from where THEO-logy is derived), or whatever name you have for it in your own culture! The evidence is overwhelming Christians are more interested winning traditional religious arguments than showing any interest in true facts either from science or their own Bible.

  3. you know who?

    You mean JESUS CHRIST !!!

    Wilful sin is a choice and that is what we are judged on not our inherited sinful condition. The Bible teaches you to endure temptations and not give into them. The Bible teaches that for sin God always provides a way out. He never lets anyone be tempted beyond what he can bare.

  4. According to the Christian definition of the word, I am a sinner. And a d**n good one at that might I add. I have a one way ticket to h**l according to them. Good thing I'm not Christian and don't believe 99% of what they say! :)

  5. This is one of those questions that theologians and seminary professors have been asking for 2,000 years, and no one has a definitive answer yet.

    The best answer I can give is that "sin" is part of our nature as humans, but we have free will when it comes to committing "sins."  Note that I am making a distinction between "sin" and "sins."  We all sin, simply because we're human.  Which sins we commit are our choice.

    Sin can be defined as taking our focus off of God.  As long as we are focused 100% on God, we are not in sin.  However, as soon as we take our focus off of God, even if it's just for a split second, we are in sin.  And it is during that time, when our focus is not on God, that we commit sins.  One way of looking at it is that sneezing is not a disease, it is a symptom of a disease.  "Sins" are symptoms of our "sin."  As humans, we simply cannot remain focused on God all the time, so we sin.  We commit different sins, depending on how we choose to act while we are in sin.

    Of course, some sin much more than others.  For examples see Bush, George W.; Robertson, Pat; Dobson, James; et al.

    Edit:  I suppose (and this is only my opinion) that the reason God didn't create us with a natural tendency not to sin is that God wants us to choose God.  If we are forced to choose God, or if we have no choice in the matter, what's the fun in that?  Don't you like it better when someone likes you just because they like you, rather than because, say, you're the boss, or you're buying dinner, or whatever?  Again, this is one of those questions that we will never really know the answer to, at least not in this lifetime.

    Edit, part deux:  Who says God is complaining?  Just because Pat Robertson or James Dobson is complaining, that doesn't mean that God is!  I think God likes us just the way we are.


  6. no but we keep on trying....of course its a choice...some sin more than others..

  7. The short answer to your question is no. The Bible says, in Romans 3:23, that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 5:12 says, Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.

    We are not born sinners, we are born innocent. A newborn baby has no sin, therefore, there is no reason to baptize a baby. No one commits a sin until they reach the age of accountability, and that age is different for everyone. Paul wrote in Romans 7:14-25, that he was having problems with sin himself. He said that there were times that he wanted to do good, but evil was ever present within him.

    To commit a sin is a choice; to not commit a sin is also a choice. God always makes a way out for us, so we can avoid the sin, if we want to (1 Corinthians 10:13).

    In order for sinners to be saved, you have to Hear the Word of God, (Romans 10:17), Believe what you've heard, (Romans 10:9-10), Repent of your sins, (Luke 13:3), Confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Son of God, (Matthew 10:32), and then Be Baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). After this, you must be Faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10), and you will receive a crown of life.

    One more thing: anyone who says they haven't sinned, is a liar (1 John 1:6, 2:4).

  8. The fact that we WILL sin is not, you're correct. That was decided when God punished Adam and Eve, in the form of the human race, after the very first sin was committed.

    We are all sinners, and we all WILL sin. That's the problem. Thankfully JESUS (or, you-know-who, in this case) died to give us an avenue to God.

  9. I agree, but show me one person who has kept the NT perfectly.

  10. No one is without sin. We are all sinners from birth. We have no right to the love given to us by God but He still gives it to us. He tells us, just like our parents did, what we should do and if we do this is what we get. But, just like mom and dad, He also tells us if we disobey, these are the "rewards" that we will get. He is always with us. He will never leave us alone. When WE choose to turn to Him, He will be right there.

    That is free will. Here is one way and here is another. My suggestion is this way but do what you will. That is free will. It has nothing to do with sin. One way or another, we will sin in a day. We cannot help it. But by our belief, we will be convicted by the Spirit that what we did was wrong and as fast as possible, admit it and ask forgiveness. That is all we can do. Nothing more will give us the grace of God.

    Bold Eagle- It appears you may not understand free will. God told Adam and Eve that they could eat everything in the Garden BUT the fruit from the tree of knowledge. He told the if they did they would die. At this point, they would either live forever or for such a long time that it would seem like forever. Then they CHOSE to disobey God and eat the fruit. (That was free will!) They were told do this and here's the good stuff but if you do this here's the bad stuff. They knew what they were doing was wrong and did it anyway.

    Same with the angels, they knew what they were doing was wrong and did it anyway. That is how free will works. I bet they were told how things were going to be. Some liked it and others did not like it. God is wanting to see how we choose. What side do we come down on, lies or the truth? He cannot interfere with that. He may know what choice we will make but He still leaves it up to us to make it. There is no interference that way.

    We were not created damaged. Not at all. We had everything- food, shelter,s*x,no pain in childbirth. Then, God advised us about the tree in the center. If we did His command, there would be no problem but, if we disobeyed, there would be a consequence. We disobeyed (free will). We received our consequence- death. I guess you really do not understand the concept of free will and sin? They are different. Choice involves both, to a point, free will invloves the choice of Jesus as savior. Sin is knowing all that God deems wrong and we do it anyway.

  11. Technically, freewill does not dictate that we sin (that would falsely remove our culpability). I think a better way to put it is simply that it is unrealistic to think that we could go through life without sinning. In fact, God has already told us through His Word that we will sin....and that we therefore need a Savior.

    EDIT: God did not give us a sinful nature. We simply have one because we have not yet been perfected. But we are in the process of being perfected by a God who is holy and perfect.

  12. I don't know about the rest of these guys, but I've NEVER sinned.

    So yes, its possible...


    Thank you!  ^_^

  13. Yes, "Children of the Light" are without sin.

    If that phrase sounds unfamiliar, it is because Christians preach Paul's gospel of blood rather than the Kingdom gospel of light. If you don't believe me, just check a concordance for what Jesus said about "sacrifice" and what he said about "light." All negative on the first and all positive on the second.  

    So the Original Kingdom Gospel was about becoming the Children of the Light... and they are the ones who get past the sin problem. This explains how it is done:

    Thanks for asking this important question.

  14. I agree, the fact that we will sin is not clear.  Funny how the fact that we have sinned is clear.  

    Although we are born under the curse of sin, in my humble opinion, it is spiritually theoretically possible to live the rest of your life without sinning.  And although its possible, as its possible that the Cubs will never lose another game - ever - we all know that its just not going to happen.  

  15. We are all saddled with a sin nature thanks to Adam. We have a propensity to sin. We don't choose to sin. We have to choose not to sin. Being good, doing the right thing, is actually not natural to us. That's why life itself is such a struggle.

    Fortunately God understands that we can't help ourselves. That's why He promises to not only forgive our sins, but also forget they ever occurred, if we will just admit to our transgressions and ask forgiveness.

    Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother for sinning against him. Magnanimous guy that he was, he suggested seven times. Jesus must have chucked, then said, "not seven, but seventy times seven." In other words, we are such hopeless sinners, that we should always forgive one another. Admittedly, that's the tough part. But we do it because God always forgives us.

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