
Is anyone worrying about the animals disappearing?

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What are we doing to save them because we are the ones who got them in this position?




  1. Yeah, I worry about it.  I think humans are pretty damned arrogant.

  2. Permaculture Answer

    Don't just worry about animals disappearing. Take action to protect the rest of the natural habitats and wilderness.

    The best thing you can do is to be as self sufficient as you can on your own land/garden in terms of producing your own food, fuel and dealing with wastes. Have a high yield system. Limit your consumption of everything else from flying to buying consumer goods and limit the size of your family. Less exploitation of the environment's finite resources and other people.

    Then leave the rest of the wilderness alone. Don't try to save it, don't interfere with it. The natural system has it's own checks and balances, it heals itself, it self controls populations much better than anything man has ever achieved.

    These ideas are from Permaculture have a look at the link below                        

  3. I saw survivorman today on TV, of course. He was worried that all the fish disappeared when he took his spear  to get dinner out of the ocean.

  4. yes  some people are worried,who knows the value of animals,however not everyone take the time out to care for them. In addition the population of people is growing ,so there is more mouths to feed and not everybody like the idea of becoming a vegetarian.

  5. Where do you people come from?

  6. i really agree that we are involved for their suffering ,,,,,those marvelous  elephants and pandas are disappearing,,,, really makes me if we chose government not only for taking care the people but also for the animals but they help poachers more......CAN YOU BELIEVE IT

  7. Which animals are disappearing?  Where I live <Montana> we have plenty of eagles coming back, ospreys are pests nesting on

    power lines.  The gray wolves are spreading far beyond where people had hoped when the government set out to repopulate the national parks and wilderness areas.  There have been vast amounts of land saved for habitat.

    I worry about the Atlantic fisheries being ruined.  I do not eat fish and I haven't for years due to seeing what was happening then by the 70's.

    Keep in mind that animals do die out and it is not aways our fault, ie: dinosaurs, ice age animals.

  8. Boo Hoo.

    Get a life and get your nose out of Al Gore's butt.

    Show me an environmentalist wuss and I'll show you someone who seems to forget that WE are also part of this planet's ecosystem just as much as any other biological critter.

    Be specific.  You are speaking in generalities like any other liberal numb-nut playing on people's emotions rather than stating facts.

  9. im worried... thats y i recycle and am a vegetarian.

  10. yeah, it's horrible how we killed off all the dinosaurs.  Nature could never be responsible for anything so terrible.

  11. Yes, I worry about them.  We are all connected.  If the animals are disappearing, it's only a matter of time before humans disappear.

  12. Exactly which animals are disappearing?  You need to be more specific.

  13. I am very worried. Humans don't care, well most of them. I'm a vegetarian and I recycle, that helps still, it helps lessen the meat industries pollution.

    do yourmy part by providing contributions to the following outstanding not-for-profit organizations that are on the front lines working to preserve the world's most threatened habitats and species: The Nature Conservancy ; World Wild Life Fund ; Wild Aid. You are to be congratulated for wanting to make a difference.

  14. Aren't we all Darwinian Evolutionists??  Survival of the fittest and all that?

    Which animals in particular are disappearing and what did YOU do to get them in that position?

  15. I agree with Elana as to the root cause.  It is the same as with people who assume that any believer in evolution is a follower of Charles Darwin.  The question of what is the human role in the current increase in extinctions may not be the crucial question, no matter how shocking that idea is to some.  I suggest that the permaculture response of "what are we going to do about it?" is the more sensible.

    In the last 500 years, around 1000 species have gone extinct due to human activities.  You can compare that to the present rate, about 1000 times greater (more than during any mass extinction).  It's generally placed at around 3 species PER HOUR.  The fact is, an exact cause is not known.  Best opinions are that it is multifactorial.

    I have to reject the reasoning of people who like to say that if humans did not cause it, they are not responsible.  Would they say the same if a new disease appeared that was destroying all higher forms of life?  Would they feel as empowered through their politics to make that decision for the rest of us?

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