
Is anything going to happen?

by  |  earlier

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For the past 5 days or so I have only been eating a few hundred calories a day, I have lost 4 pounds while doing this, I'm 15, 5'3 1/2 and right now I weigh 125.5 lbs and I was 129 lbs, my question is, are my insides going to start to get eaten away, because I know that when you starve yourself or eat only a few hundred calories a day your body feeds off of itself, and is this the reason why I am more tired lately




  1. you will be fine.

    plz answer!!;...

  2. nothing will happen to your organs

  3. You may faint... you aren't getting enough nutrients to give you energy...

    Please read this :

    You are 15... get out there and exercise... do some sports... go swimming... before you know it... you will feel better about your weight.

    Enjoy your life :o)

  4. What you are doing is idiotic. The weight you are losing is more than likely LEAN MUSCLE MASS. (i.e. you are losing your muscle and not your fat). So once you start 'eating normally' again you are going to pack on the pounds. That is why so many overweight people end up gaining back MORE WEIGHT THAN THEY LOST in the first place. If you lose weight you need to do it right. When you restrict your calories so much your body freaks out and thinks you are starving, it burns your muscle and STORES MORE FAT because we are programmed to survive in times of famine.

    By the way. YOU ARE A NORMAL WEIGHT. Stop being anorexic. It will get you nowhere. Put your info into the calculator at the link below and it will give you a great idea of how many calories to eat.

    Also. I am the same height as you and used to be morbidly obese (260 pounds at my heaviest) so I KNOW how to lose weight. You eat MORE and exercise MORE and do weight training MORE. Starving myself is what made me a huge f****s in the first place ;)

  5. You are losing so much weight so quickly because your body is eating up muscle to provide protein to organs, like your brain for one.  Muscle weighs more than fat, you are going to be left with fat and less muscle than you originally had.  Also, your stomach is going to shrink dramatically, if you are going to continue this you may have trouble just going back to your normal eating habits and when you do you may not weigh as much (your comment about not gaining it back) but  it won't be muscle, it will be fat and that is not lucky.  So you will simply end up with more fat than you already had.

    Is that really what you want?

    Try to eat healthy and exercise instead:

  6. i think im goin thro the same thing rite now actually. i have been really tired and i dont eat much. idk y but im not tryin to starve myself. i weigh about 30 pounds more than u. and i dont think u need to wiegh 110. thats just unhealthy. i no ur probably like wat is this fatty thinkin? but yeah its alright to at least wiegh 125lbs. i promise it is. u dont have to b the skinniest girl around. but its ur body do what u want to do with it. but yes ur body will start to steal nutrients from ur bones and ur organs. thats y people have osteoporosis. its because they dont get the right amount of calcium and there bodys start to steal calcium from there bones. and calcium helps build strong what do u think? is ur body goin to steal nutrients or is it just gunna let u starve urself?

  7. If you only lose 10 lbs then you're fine.

    Based on the stats you gave, you're already in the healthy height to weight ratio, so you shouldn't be dieting.  You should just practice eating healthy and exercising regularly.

    You're probably fatigued from your rapid dieting.  

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