
Is anything really possible?

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There is this girl i like in the grade 10 and Im grade 11, i like her a lot , but don't know how to approach this seeing as this is the summer, i don't have her # or where she lives we talked a bit in school but only like hi and bye, i think she likes me as a friend but around her its hard to tell sometimes. If its possible8, is there a way for me to somehow be more than friends with her?




  1. I think this is first girl has had your heart. any way you are still at the beginning of your life. If this girl would have your heart for ever, I am sure, you will find the way to be more closer from her. any way at this age you will not be able to determined if you are really want her to share your life or because you just need a girl to be around you (as all teenagers need at this age) it is very nice to have a person take care of her and thinking of her, that gives a meaning to our life. any way to give your heard some happiness, you have to talk with her. you can go to school and find if you can get her # or her address. don't waste the time. who is know may be she is the girl whom you will share your life with. and the answer for you question dependeds only at you. you have to trust in yourself. as Napoleon said there is no impossible under sun

  2. You will not be anything more than friends! She is a lucky girl to have an admirer but you are both still kids. you have hundreds of girls to meet yet befoe anything special happens. OR SHOULD! Like, you are still a kid. As an oldie the last thing in the world you should be tied up right now is a something special kind of girl. They take up time. Time you need to devote to getting really great grades in school. That is, 90 plus in assessments. And there is something special that you should realise, YOU CAN do it, don't tell yourself or let anybody else say otherwise. Make yourself u a home study timetable giving yourself 30 minutes per subject and give yourself this new hobby. That's your job.

    As for girls. Talk to them. Go up and introduce yourself to this young lady and talk to her. you can say, "Hi, my name is Morpheus. How is your schoolwork going. Maybe I can help you with your homework. Hint: see straightway what it is like to have good grades? That's all. If you want to have teenage romance, wait ntil you are 19 or older. Have girlfriends, lots of girlfriends. just do not think of settling down with just the one. By being independent you will always be happy. By being married, you will be happy when you can forget all your woes, which means never.

  3. Exchange each others numbers. Talk to her on the phone often but not to often. Get to know her. Possibly try hanging out with her. Then when you feel ready ask her to like a movie or something and maybe ask her out. But take your time and dont rush things. Make sure you both feel comfortable were things are going b4 you fully ask her to be your girlfriend.

  4. Well first you have to express your interested by inviting her to go out sometime. Start mellow. Find something to do in the day so you don't have any of the dating pressures. Or something at night that is very social like meeting her at a party etc. Then you can get her number and try to make very loose plans to see her again. You'll be able to tell how interested she is by the speed of her response to your calls and invites to hangout in the future. But whatever you do, control those emotions. Don't get hung up on something that may not be there. The hardest thing about life is learning to control your emotions. And not having the emotions control you.

  5. Okay, okay, okay. First go up to her and tell her that you like her. And then ask her if she likes you the same way. If she says yes, then smile and be like,"neat". And then give her your email and your number and ask her if you can call her. And then just let what happens happen!


  6. You need to find out what classes she has and transfer into one. That would be the best way to see her everyday and get a sense of whether this is someone you really want to pursue

  7. Give her your number and let the chips fall where they may.

  8. I really do think it can work !

    be very confident around her, and talk to her first.

    then ask for her number then start texting eachother.

  9. You'll never know unless you ask.

    Her, not us.

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