
Is ap physics ap calculus and ap statistics too much for senior year??

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i want to go somewhere big like stanford or ucla




  1. well, it's a lot.  you also doing honors English Lit, honors other things?  are you really up to it?  I pulled straight A's for 4 years of high school, earned a National Merit Scholarship (and Pres. Johnson flew me to DC and shook my hand, along with 99 other US kids), but I felt the need to kick back some in college.  At some point you have to give the other parts of the whole person their time in the sun.  It's all about balance, and you're the one who has to decide, and you're the ONLY one who will really have to live through the consequences (although the parents, friends, husband/wife, kids, coworkers -- they can all share).

    Evel Knievel tried to jump a motorcycle across the grand canyon (did he ever succeed?).  Why shouldn't you take 3 AP math/science courses if you want to.  Life's a glorious adventure.  "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."  If you haven't found your limits yet, maybe this is one way to do it.  And if all that is still within your limits, why not antigravity, warp drive, the Riemann Conjecture?  "A person's reach should exceed his/her grasp, or what's a heaven for?" "No guts, no glory."

    I avoided the big and picked UC Santa Barbara when it was still small (now it has, among other things, the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, where I got to hear Kip Thorne and Roger Penrose and other Noble Laureats talk), but one of my best students went to Stanford and loved it.

    The universe is an endless adventure.  Enjoy.

  2. if you want to go big school like you said stanford or ucla then it's not too much for senior year as you will be more confuse in your way to your carrier. good luck.

  3. its great but when i was a senior i didnt want to do anything so i hated taking those classes. i took the same stuff. AP stats is the worst class in the world but if it saves u money then its worth it.

  4. It depends. Which Physics are you doing? Which Calculus are you doing? And it's certainly possible.

    I did AP Calculus BC (two semesters worth, harder of the two) as a junior in high school. That left AP Statistics, AP Physics C ("university physics", harder of the two), Calculus III, and Differential Equations (and four other APs) as a high school senior. All A's. All 5's.

    I'm assuming that AP Physics is the B version ("college physics"), because you are taking Calculus concurrently. If you are looking to do anything that requires math and physics in college (e.g.: engineering), then AP Physics B is remedial and useless. It may look good on a college application, so you might want to stick with it, but don't expect any actual credit from it.

    AP Statistics is really not an issue, for someone who is smart enough to do Calculus and Physics concurrently. As far as AP Calculus is concerned, for someone that wants to go to a good school, you should push yourself!

    My advice? Stick with all three. It may be a pain now, but passing all three AP tests makes your college life that much easier.

  5. I'm in my junior year and taking ap physics and ap calc.  but not ap stat.  But I'm sure you'll be able to do it, i've seen a bunch of people do it before at my school =D

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