
Is aquarius girl a good match for a sagitarian man?

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Is aquarius girl a good match for a sagitarian man?




  1. Aquarius + Sagittarius

    Air + Fire = Hot Air

    Both you and Sagittarius have really hectic schedules—you love meeting as many people, and as varied types of people, as you can. Generally, both of you also love being right in the middle of the social action; this is an important common thread for you. Anything to do with clubs, theatres, outdoor sports and entertainment venues will work for both of you.

    Sagittarius is usually very enthusiastic and self-confident, and very expressive and loving. This might be a little difficult for you: though you love social life, you’re actually a bit more aloof.

    You are also full of very quirky and forward thinking ideas. Fortunately, Sagittarius will be able to take all this on, but it might take them a while to get the hang of you. They need to be ready for some pretty unexpected changes when they get involved with you.

    Aquarians are pretty methodical in most things, but there are times when you need a complete and radical change of pace. This might throw Sagittarius off balance, even though they're also inhibited and spontaneous. You both love the thrill of the moment, but you do it without any planning whatsoever, which is not quite their style.

    The life of an Aquarius–Sagittarius couple will never be dull or routine; it will definitely be dynamic. You’ll find yourself absorbed in discussions about travel, social affairs and topics that no one else would dare to venture into. You’ll entertain each other, and are likely to become very good mates, even if nothing else happens.

    Sexually speaking, your relationship will be exciting. You offer Sagittarius the excitement they’re looking for. To them, you’ll look very desirable indeed.

    Sagittarians are affectionate and demonstrative, and will calm you down. They will help you switch off generally, which will be a positive change from your usual intellectual approach to all parts of relationships. They will keep you very satisfied, especially in the bedroom.

    Pure friendship and great social alliances are likely between you and Sagittarians born between 23 November and 1 December. You can find your soulmate in this group.

    Sagittarians born between 2 December and 11 December are very fiery indeed, and will put your more argumentative side on red alert. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your lips zipped; that is the most effective way to deal with these people.

    Sagittarians born between 12 December and 21 December are co-ruled Leo and the Sun, and this is a powerful combination. They can be good candidates for a substantial long-term committed relationships. At the very least, you can have a lot of fun and entertainment with these Sagittarians.

  2. Here is a site to test your horoscope compatibility. ( below )

  3. I think that in your case, it depends a lot on both of you personally. but generally speaking, your relationship is harmonious. you both bring something good and exciting to the couple.

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