
Is are these good exercises???Best answer will be chosen!!!?

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I want to strengthen my arms, legs, and abs. I'm doing push ups, bicylce,jugging and squats, what are some more exercizes I could do????




  1. ok don't do too much push ups because you will look manly.  the best thing for you to do is to get a pair of 5 lb dumbells and walk while curling them.  You will burn fat and build muscle at the same time.  Ok that's for your arms.  For your legs, you should go jogging up and down stairs.  You will feel the burn very fast and your thighs, calves will strengthen.  And for your abs you should set an daily goal for amount of crunches/sit-ups.  And for every day after that, increase by 10.

  2. You could look at crunches for your abs there are tons of crunches you can do including side crunches for your obliques. Try doing tri-cep dips for you entire arm to look toned. Look into swimming if you can its great for your entire body to get a work out. Look at lunges as well and maybe invest in a medicine ball or some free weights to help you out. I would say burn off any fat you have before doing weights so you have a more toned, cut, lean looking body.

    Although biking is great and I do it as well myself and I feel its the best way to get in shape just to strengthen it will take much longer unless you include weights. Biking is great on your joints and good for your heart.

    Good luck and keep a good diet and drink plenty of water and take at least one day rest for your body to recharge and get a good night sleep every night

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