
Is artsy-fartsy a bad thing?

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Someone said the other day that I am their "artsy-fartsy" friend. I am very into art (I can't draw or paint, but I love studying it), poetry, literature, design, etc. But I was always under the assumption that "artsy-fartsy" was a bad thing. I am not over the top with my love for art, it just all comes natural to me. Should I be offended?




  1. Artsy-fartsy is not a bad thing.

    It actually means someone who is artistic. It wouldn't really apply to you because you cant draw or paint.  It's not a bad thing though, people say that out of a envy kinda way. I love to draw and paint, It's my passion, my Friend Say's it to me all the time and she wishes she had that talent.

  2. the word artsy-fartsy annoys the h**l outta me but it is not a bad thing. Artistic people are amazing people.

  3. artsy no, fartsy yea.

  4. I think it's cute and people have called me worse names so go with it!

  5. That depends on what they meant. They could mean it in a cute way or they be saying that your interests are uptight and boring. I would go to them and ask them (in a NON CONFRONTATIONAL way): Hey, when you called me artsy-fartsy, what did you mean? That should clear up any misunderstandings.

  6. Yes

  7. it kinda is

  8. no. art is your passion and no one has the right to insult someone's passions

  9. Nope.  Nothing malicious behind it, and you are what you are.  I say stuff like that all the time and it would kill me if I knew it offended them.  I hope they know me well enough to know that its just me cutting to the quick on something.  So I think your friend was saying the same thing.  You are who you are.....and if someone points that out, why not own it?

  10. It's not a bad thing at all.

  11. No, it is just a simple term of endearment.

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