
Is asking a lot of questions an indicator that you aren't very smart or knowledgable?

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Is asking a lot of questions an indicator that you aren't very smart or knowledgable?




  1. The more questions you ask = the more answers you get = the smarter you become

    Never ever stop asking

  2. no.....most definitely be true,when you ask a question it is an indicator that shows your urge of curiosity.......and curiosity my friend doesn't come to everyone.....only those who have the wisdom will only ask question.......asking question itself is also a very difficult action actually,it requires both courage and knowledge me,if you ask a question it doesn't show that you are stupid or anything......if it wasn't for the question that plays in the head of people like Sir Isaac Newton that wonder why did the apple fall from the tree,then the gravitational force would still remain a mystery,wouldn't it?

    i leave the rest to you......

  3. Never!!! scientists and very intelligent people ask questions all the time- that is there profession! But the truth of it is that humans don't really know anything.

    Socrates said the wisest person is one who knows that they don't know.  

    Questions are an important part of the learning process. I you have the ability to ask the question you usually have the ability to figure it out. This does not mean you have to figure it out on your own, even if someone explains it to you... if you understand you have figured it out... and if something doesn't make sense- asking questions can salve this.

  4. no. it depends on the type of question asked. asking lots of question can mean that a person has an inquiring mind and want to know more. if a 10yo asks lots of questions that is usually asked by older kids doesnt mean that he isnt smart. actually, it can mean that he is in fact smarter.

    and asking a lot of question can mean that the person is asking for reassurance.

  5. I don't know, what do you think?

  6. I agree with the general consensus that it isn't an indicator that you're not very smart/knowledgeable.  It's great to ask questions, and learn from other people too.   Now, if the questions are just purposefully stupid and weren't aimed at finding anything out but rather at making fun of someone or something (as what often happens on this site), then that's not particularly showing smartness....although it doesn't necessarily mean the people are not smart either.

  7. No, its an indicator that you're curious.  And curiosity is a good thing.

  8. Do you believe that this is true?

  9. Of course not.  Most people regard asking questions as a sign of intelligence.  No one knows everything and only a fool wouldn't try to learn more.

  10. Asking questions is the mark of a smart and curious person who wants to learn more.  If you don't know, ask. Anyone who ridicules someone for asking questions is the one that's not too smart--that includes the one to whom the question is posed.  Ask away.

  11. No! It's an indication of the fact that you are looking for knowledge ... and that you admit you do not know everything ,which is an intelligent place to be.

  12. No not at all, we can't all know everything about one asking enables us to pick the brains of other people and find out if theres a different perspective. Asking questions is a good thing.

  13. on the contrary, it means that you are just curious and want to know more. you want to add up to what you already know and want confirmation if they are correct.  no one person knows about anything, those that ask are actually thinking more of stuff others just don't care to know which makes you smart.

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