
Is at&t a good company for phone service? are the prices high?

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i want a cell phone but my mom thinks itz expensive i need to know about at&t please give me some info. about it thanx!




  1. hellz no verizon has it all around the country its the best service its worth the xtra buck or two

  2. i would say that at&t is an ok brand.dont go with the virgin mobile network or me .my friend has a sprint phone and it wont even let her make an account or call people.I have a virgin mobile phone and when I go on my account it goes down by 2 cents.tracphone is worthless.alltel is good and so is t mobile.verizon is ok.

  3. Go with someone else . I had their cell phone and in 2 years we had to get 6 different phones because they kept breaking and they would not stand behind them.. I moved in March and got landline phone. I was on a $40.00 plan which included all long distance, call waiting, call ID..13 features. For some reason, in April without my O.K. they cancelled that plan.. signed me up for lifeline which is for VERY low income individuals, then they added all 13 features seperately and billed me $113.00 a month for those 13 features and I had no long distance.. Then some moron 2 weeks later added me to a long distance plan without telling me and that added more to my bill.. So my $40.00 bill became $130.00 a month.. I sent them a certified letter asking them to fix the problem.. It's been 2 months.. nothing.. They have now turned me over to a collection agency and added a bunch of fees on there. I now owe them $100.00 and technically they owe me about $12.oo cause I switched carriers. I talked to 5 different customer service people and they ALL told me something different.. I sent them a check my first month for $200.00 which they sent thru my bank and DID NOT post.. then they added late fees, etc on and for 2 months I dealt with them on that.. I never did get my late fees credited back.. Change carriers and quickly... They don't care and customer service is a joke.

  4. Just as good, and Just as high as everybody else tryin to make money $$$$$$

  5. I have at&t for about a year now. It's pretty good. But there is one thing that really bothers me. My sister has verizon wirelss and she gets signal everywhere. Even when I don't. Like in school, i have no bars. And she seems to always have 2 or more. The prices on the at&t phones are pretty reasonable though. The monthly price all depends on the type of plan you get. To get a general idea go here

  6. at&t is wonderful. the pricess are reasonable and u get more bars the places u go. i used to have sprint but i had not a single bar out of my town, but at&t has all the bars anywwhere. it is way cool. to me verizion u dont get the text messages till 5 min later, my dad has verizoin and so he never gets my texts,

  7. i like verizon better. i think it might be  cheaper.

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