
Is atheism well thought out past it's basic definition?

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I think that you have a philosophical problem with that statement.




  1. Atheism is only a disbelief in any god.  It isn't a huge set of beliefs.

    Most people do think it out quite toughly before they get to that point.  It's hard to get past childhood indoctrination.

  2. The question of animism within the scope of reality and not the subconscious dreams from primitive obsolescence.

  3. atheism is the lack of a belief in god(s), nothing more, we all have different views, the only things we 100% agree on is facts...

  4. Yes.

    Very well thought out.

  5. Atheism is just without belief in a god or gods. So know that is all it means. Although there are some atheists who accept evolution and some that don't. So no it doesn't go past its basic definition.

  6. Atheists realize that there are no gods or God.  Beyond that what is there to think about?

  7. It depends on the individual atheist.  There are not tenets or doctrines beyond the basic definition, so it is incumbent upon each atheist do examine the universe on their own and structure their own belief system.

  8. It doesn't need to be thought out PAST its basic definition. Atheism is the stance that there is no credible evidence for ANY 'god'.  

  9. There is nothing past its basic definition.

    There are various philosophies that are Atheistic, but Atheism does not, by itself, lead you to any one of them.

  10. No evidence for gods - no reason to assume gods exist.

    Same with leprechauns, fairies, boogeymen, and so on.

  11. I could have no thoughts whatsoever and that would classify me as an atheist, right?

  12. It's alternatives have been thoroughly debunked, if that's what you mean.

  13. In what way, exactly? Explain yourself properly and you may get a decent answer.

  14. Well it depends on the person, I don't know whats going to happen after I die and the fact is NOBODY does, so it may be interesting to think about... but I don't see the point, I'd rather just enjoy life while I have it.

  15. Atheism= no belief in the supernatural, which would include no belief in: God, Gods, crystals, ghosts, Jesus, the Bible, Thor, astrology, numerology, heaven, h**l, etc.

    So yes, I would say atheism is well thought out past it's definition.

  16. Atheism is its basic definition.  As such, it is unnecessary to go beyond it.  Only when you begin to qualify atheism is further thought required.  In that case, yes it is well thought out.

    In your response to Ray J, you commit the common fallacy of equating the vernacular usage of 'faith' with the religious 'Faith' (capitalized here to distinguish the two).  In your usage, faith equates to a degree of trust or certainty based on available data.  Seen in this light, it should be properly acknowledged as an application of reason.

    Religious Faith, on the other hand, is most properly described as an absolute affirmation of truth without regard to evidence. It is not an application of reason and is, as such, irrational.

  17. Please elaborate. I get the impression that you want a more detailed answer than your question is asking. The basic definition of atheism is either a positive affirmation that there is no God, or a simple lack of belief in God or deities. There's not much more to it than that, but I know that that's not all you're asking.

    <edit> The first half of what I said refers to "strong atheism." It would be like saying "There is no God," as a statement of fact, rather than "I lack belief in God due to insufficient evidence," which would be weak atheism, or agnostic atheism. I personally find strong atheism a shaky position to defend, as it precludes any future undiscovered concepts or evidence that we simply are not privy to right now. I myself am an agnostic atheist. Now, I'm trying to answer your question seriously, but you seem to be baiting people into an argument, rather than asking a genuine question, which is what I assumed at first. Are you going to elaborate your point, or not? If not, I'll just assume you're trolling, and move on, but if you have a real point you're trying to make, make it, and I'll see if I can give you an answer.

  18. By various people maybe, but 'atheism' isn't a philosophy over and above the personal.

    I tend to study what is known about anything.  If I study 'gods' and religion, I find all the evidence points to human invention.

    That is no more a 'philosophy' than a jury in court convicting on available evidence.

    It is simply nothing to do with faith, no matter how hard theists try to make everything about faith.

    Would you want to be judged by faith, or by evidence?

  19. Atheism isn't an answer to anything.  It's not a statement of ethics or morality.  It doesn't say anything about the meaning or purpose of life.  It is simply a rejection of the supernatural theory of life, namely the theory of God.  Beyond that, atheism doesn't assert anything.

  20. In regards to what?

    There is no need for thought past the definition.

    Atheism--the absence of belief in God.

    Now, if you're referring to what happens after we die and all that jazz, well that's an entirely different story that has nothing to do with the definition of Atheism.

  21. it seems you already 'know' the answer to your own question.

    But I am an atheist, and I'll tell you what I think:

    atheism is not a philosophy. It contains nothing beyond its basic definition. atheism is just the name people, quite erroneously usually, use to denote absolutely everybody who, for whatever reason, does not believe  in the existence of any god.

    If you want to call that faith, be my guest, but it is a mistake.

  22. No. If atheists thought outside the limitations they have set on their self imposed world view they would no longer be atheists by basic definition. If any mind is able to discern a true perception of reality then a religious person is able to discern a true perception of reality. To claim that only atheists have discerned the true perception of reality, as they do, is being as narrow minded as the religious people they condemn.

    Atheists may base their ideas on antitheism where a theist stuffed up and the person cannot be objective about theism. Or they may base their ideas on agnosticism where they have take an irrational leap of faith from 'don't know there is a God' to there is 'definitely no God'. If it was rational it should be easy to follow their reasoning. It is an illogical step to prove that a false god is false and then use that as a basis to believe that all gods are false. Edison would not have got far if he gave up after the first material he tested to find the light. Atheists are not as scientific as they claim to be. They do not think beyond their limited world view.

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