
Is attraction in our DNA?

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Ok this is serious not a c**p question. I saw on a show that certain genetic factors can decide who we are attracted to. Like were our ancestors are from My family is from Scotland Ireland and native American decent I seem to only find men who are of these cultures attractive. Mostly their features. Brod (sp) wide upper bodies and large masculine features. Could this be true. I am thinking of writing a paper on it but I need more sources.




  1. I remember reading that people who are distantly related have the best marriages.  Creepy.

  2. Attraction is partially genetic.  For instance, the reason that some people of whatever s*x you're attracted to smell really good is because they have a different immune system from you.  If you two mated, your kids would inherit from those two different systems and get the best of both worlds.

    What you're talking about, though, is more cultural.  Well, sort of cultural.  We do tend to be attracted to those who look like us, because we usually grow up around people who look like us.  I like tall, lanky men with dark hair and light eyes because my father and some of the other men in my family fit that description.  If I had been adopted into a family of short, stocky blond men, that's probably who I'd prefer.  We imprint as children, almost like ducklings.

    Check out Jared Diamond's _The Third Chimpanzee_.  It has some interesting discussions of human sexuality and attraction.

  3. It may also be because you have always lived around people with these features.

  4. I would say yes to a point. Sometimes chemistry or sense of humor helps............

  5. To a degree: for instance, many species tend to mate selectively with individuals outside of their populations when given the chance.

  6. The Discovery channel had a special about this exact thing, although I can't remember the name of it.  Try looking it up.

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