
Is aussie attempt to boycott the champions trophy justified?

by  |  earlier

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  1. refer the answer of the user, who has got maximum thumbs down by bros and sis!

  2. No one has suggested that Australia are attempting to boycott The Championships Trophy.But other teams have showed concern about attending owing to the unrest over there,why didn't you mention them? No prizes for guessing, another Aussie bashing exercise! Individual players however, have expressed concern, & it will be up to them if they go or not. The thing you people over there don't seem to grasp, is that we live in a very peaceful country where none of that c**p/bombings/civil warfare/political unrest etc ever happens, so we're not about to end up as just another casualty of certain hate filled people who think nothing of killing their fellow countrymen,relatives etc just for a political point of view. Please think of that, before you condemn our players who only wish to say alive.

  3. it's not just Australia it's a lot of other teams as well....i really don't think it's a good idea to hold the champions trophy in a place where players feel unsafe. Players need to feel like their in a safe environment, they have every right to boyoctt the champinons trophy if they feel unsafe.

    For people who live in countries like Pakistan they're pretty use to the goings on...others who have never really lived their..find pakistan a very unconfortable place to be.

  4. No.

    Enuff said.

  5. With a volatile situation as is prevailing in Pakistan no

    sporting event should be held in Pakistan leave alone a

    cricketing championship in a cricket mad region.And a world champion team like Australia is justifiably not too keen to risk

    any physical  injury to players.Non-participation cannot

    therefore be termed boycott but should be termed as

    judicious and sane abstinence.Despite any security guaranty that may be promised,one cannot blame anyone for taking precautions.

  6. If security problem is severe, they cannot be blamed.  It is not only Australia, but also England and New Zeland have also have expressed concern about the security in Pakistan.

  7. i hate aussies! i thnk they dont afraid of condition of pak in fact they afraid of losing to pak and india like powerful teams

  8. C'mon its too dangerous to be there, Its not only Australia but many other teams are also worried about this . That's the Bhutto incident that cause this trouble I won't like to see any of my favorite player dieing there in a blast

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