
Is australian football the same thing as rugby?

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and what channel can i watch Australian football on?




  1. Aussie rules is by far the best football code in the world. It was created here in victoria and is our main game. Sydney and Brisbane mostly play rugby, and it is more of an english game. Basically aussie rules kicks and handballs the ball around the ground, and you kick a goal, whereas rugby throw the ball backwards and have to touch the ball at then end to get a try.

  2. no

    australian football (AFL or aussie rules) involves a lot more kicking. you can compare the style of play to soccer where players are all over the field

    Rugby can be divided into both rugby league and rugby union. (when you just say rugby it refers to union) where the style of play is more like american football where the two teams sort of face off before each play. its also very important to note that league is by far more exciting than union, dont forget that

  3. do you think they would play aussie rules in other countires as they do rugby?

    ah. no

    question solved.

  4. No not exactly

    maybe there are similarities but yepp

    AFL is much more interesting

  5. its similiar but not the same. in australia u can watch it on fox sports 1,2 or 3 as 4 other countries im not sure but i think theres a channel called the australian network or something it would probably be on that

  6. nope, but it is played widely around the world to put one answer to rest.

  7. For once and for all time AFL and Rugby are no where similar to each other, get it through your thick heads!

  8. Australian football is completely different - its fast, skilful and entertaining. Unfortunately rugby league has become very mundane (5 hit ups and a kick) and rugby union is dominated by penalties and the resulting kicks at goal.

    What makes Australian Football so exciting is its unpredictablility. There are few set moves and you really don't know what is going to happen next.

    Channel 7 and 10 have the TV rights in Australia.

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