
Is avocado fattening?

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  1. yes

  2. No.

    Eating more calories than you use, is fattening.  

  3. no, avocado is actually very healthy for you. I love avocado.


  4. Who cares?

    It's delicious!!

    Guacamole.... Mmmmmm!!!!

    If it is fattening, just get off the computer and go for a bike ride or something.

  5. It does have a high fat content, but it's good fat. The kind of fat/oils that help your heart.

  6. no

  7. it has fat, but not bad fats....if you eat a ton of it, yes it can be fattening, but its actually good for u to eat

  8. avacado it's good fat.

    If you have a choice between sandvich with salami or avocado - choose Avacado :o)

  9. No. avocados are high in fat, but it is the good fat your body needs to function, not the "bad" fat you would find in say, snack cakes which will make you fat.

  10. Yes, it has a high fat content but also has many health bonus's as listed in the other answer. Avocado when eaten sliced , ect. on a sandwiche fresh is also better for you than guacomole tends to be, since usually a lot of salt and garlic salt tends to get added to the mushie dip.As in everything eating to much will not provide a balanced diet

  11. YES!

    But aslong as you have them in moderation it shouldn't be fattening
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