
Is baby p**p supposed to be yellow and runny ?

by  |  earlier

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my son is 10 months. he's on cleocin pediatric. for a spider bite. and for 2 days his p**p has been yellow and runny. i can't get ahold of his dr.




  1. It is normal when giving an antibiotic for the stools to change in color and shape.

    With cleocin (which this antibiotic is ok to use for spider bites) one concer is c-diff. Depending on your sons other symptoms is he sicker then when he got the medication, fever, lethartgic, abd. pain, pain when stooling. If he is experiencing any of those symptoms then I would take him in although if he is fine I wouldn't worry about it to much. Just keep in eye on him and make sure that he is drinking well. If the stool last for a couple of days or is worrysome to you then call his MD.

    I would start to use some zinc oxide to protect his buttocks from getting red or sore. Give you son naked time before putting a clean diaper on him so his bottom can air dry then put the zinc oxide on. It will last until about 3 days after stoping the medication.

  2. baby p**p can be all diffrent colors and textures it is probably diarea as  a result from the medication i wouldnt worry to much

  3. Babies shoot out such a wide variety of p**p, and there are so many reasons why it is a certain way on a certain day. If you can't contact the regular doctor, talk to another one. They all have to pass the same exams to be doctors. Good luck with baby. xoxo

  4. it usually looks a little different it can be slightly yellower and runnier. it depends on HOW yellow and runny it is. if it's like flourescent yellow and milkshake texture then i would be afraid.

  5. medicines do change p**p it is better to ask your doctor or a doctor who is covering for yours

  6. Call the pharmacist. Most antibiotics will cause runny stools. If memory serves correctly cleocin is yellow and if thats the case thats why his p**p is yellow. If you cant get in touch with your Dr. or he wont call u back, I suggest finding another Dr. Your Dr and/or pharmacist should be able to help you with any med. questions. Good Luck.

  7. It's probably the cleocin. Antibiotics can do that.

  8. It's ususally yellow when they're still mostly on formula, not runny,  but it may  be a side effect of the medicine.  Get reeeeeally close to it, and smell it several times.  lol.  Seriously, check with the dr. and see if the runny consitency is a side effect.

  9. Take him to ER to be sure.  

  10. No it should be blue and gooey

  11. I don't think so. I don't know anything but have known poo to be brown for any animal.

  12. Sorry you can't get ahold of his doctor- maybe you should switch to a new pediatrician.

    This article says that a baby's p**p is yellow and runny if they are breast-fed, but if you noticed a change in his p**p since he's been on the meds, then that is probably it.

    I think your doctor prescribed the wrong medication, too.  The following website is a website about cleocin pediatric, saying that it is used to treat bacterial infections, not spider bites.

    Definately get a new doctor.

  13. that is extermely wierd ask a docter about it

  14. h**l NO HIS p**p IS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE YELLOW AND RUNNY but i tried looking on the internet for hours to help you but i couldnt find anything sorry i hope youre son gets better

  15. why can't you get a hold of his doc...thats not normal. Get a new doc..this is sort of an ermergency

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