
Is baby powder dangerous to a 14 month old?

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My daughter dumped what seemed to be at least a half of bottle of baby powder. I heard it was dangerous to inhale and his whole face and head was covered in it.




  1. I think that she would be alright. I would be worried if she actually ate it. But I am assuming that you saw her dump the powder, and swept her up away from it.

    I think if someone sits there and repeatedly inhales it for a period of time, then there may be danger in that.

    I think your child will be fine.  :)

  2. It's dangerous for the lung, especially with newborn and younger babies. If your daughter seems fine (not coughing or wheezing or having other breathing problem), then I'm sure she is.

    But then again, decades ago, many babies were powdered with talc and most of them grew up all right.

    Like everyone says though, if you think she needs to be seen by a doctor, than by all means... take her.

  3. I know it's not good to inhale baby powder. I would call the baby's pediatrician to be safe. It's probably not dangerous, if it's a one time thing and he/she didn't get any in the lungs. But to be safe, call a doctor or emergency clinic.

  4. Take lots of pictures.. That is a perfect memory moment!!!

    Seriously, keep an eye on her... she will most likely be just fine.  There are so many things that 'the powers that be' like to put out there to watch out for.  Most are literally hogwash.  Yes it is dangerous to inhale baby powder... I have even been told by friends not to use it in my sons diaper because they can inhale it and get sick.  Well, I have three boys from 10yrs old to newborn and used powder profusley on all and they are just fine.  Now, would I want to puff it right into their face several times until all they could breathe was powder ... no...

    Baby powder is a very typical thing that babies at some time or another get into and fill your drawers, vcr, fish tanks, cats water dish... if it was so dangerous they would take it off the market.  Don't worry.. lol... they will get into worse things than powder, trust me, lol.... just take lots of pictures and email your absolutely adorable lil girl to all your family and friends... Because this is the age where that is cute, lol... enjoy it now!!!!

    I hope this helped!!!  :)

  5. It is dangerous even for an adult to inhale because it is still a powder which can cause breathing problems.  Watch her and see how she is breathing and you may want to call poison control to see if you should take her in to have her lungs checked.  

  6. look I know were all fine and our parents used it, but talc, what talcum powder (baby powder) is made from is carcinogenic, that means cancer causing. there is a cheap and easy to find alternative, starch is a baking ingredient and works as well .

  7. I think our kids were in the same mood tonight.  I went to the store and our 2 1/2 year old was supposed to be sleeping, but ended up climbing on a chair and reaching the baby powder, dumping it all over the room.  She looked like Casper the ghost.  My husband was cleaning her room with her still in it and the air full of the stuff so now I am worried about both of them!  

  8. She should be fine.

    If enough is inhaled, it's said to "coat" the lungs, so that the baby would have a harder time breathing. Coughing would also be a symptom. If are really worried, then give the doctor a call. But, at 14 months, you would be able to tell very quickly whether her breathing was being effected.

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