
Is bad to change your religion like from to christian to muslim?b/c i dont really like muslim religion!

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Is bad to change your religion like from to christian to muslim?b/c i dont really like muslim religion!




  1. First of all.

    "Muslim" isn't a religion ..

    it's called Islam,

    second of all,

    should shouldn't just change religions because you feel like it,

    there's nothing right with following something that really fits your beliefs better,

    weather your going from Judaism to Buddhism..

    or any other religion..    

  2. Well, before you make any kind of serious commitment, you need to ask yourself why and who. Why am I doing this? Who am I doing it for? If you don't like the answers, then you probably shouldn't make the commitment, i.e., if you got married because your significant other wanted to but you weren't really too sure about it, would that really be a good relationship for either of you to be in? No because you wouldn't really be honest with yourself and would only be doing it for the sake of someone else. Chances are, you'd end up cheating or leaving that person and it would mean heartbreak for both parties.

    If you don't really like the Muslim faith, why would you want to make that kind of commitment to it. Wouldn't you discourage other faithful ones and cause them to flounder? Wouldn't you be making other Muslims appear to be flaky, unreliable when you (no doubt) leave that faith?

    If you don't want to do it, then maybe you shouldn't.

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