
Is bahia,brazil poor like africa?

by Guest57674  |  earlier

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Is bahia,brazil poor like africa?




  1. Not even close.

  2. I don't know about Africa but Bahia is poor.

  3. Theres about 50 - 60 countries in Africa !  and not all of them are poor..  

    and no.. Bahia is not poor like some countries in Africa ..  Bahia is a BEAUTIFUL place.. espeically the city of Salvador

    i  can show you pics if you'd like ?

    good luck

  4. You generalized a bit. Not all places in Africa are that poor, and the same applies to Bahia.

    Salvador, the capital city ha poverty, it has also a developed tourism industry, hotels, historic sites etc, Porto Seguro, the place where the Portuguese first arrived in Brazil (there are controversies about the exact location, but it´s in the vicinity anyway) is very developed as far as tourism.

    Arraial da Ajuda, Trancoso and some other beach resorts are pretty expensive. From what I´ve seen, the further you go inland towards the contry the poorer it gets. But there are some rich farming as well. Its the usual Brazilian class division, with very rich property owner and very poor employees gives us the notion of extreme poverty.

  5. No. Africa is a continent with more than 50 countries. Some of that, very poors. Others are much better   than that.

    Bahia is a state of Brazil.

    The economy in Bahia is based on agrobusiness, petroleum exploration, minerals, soy, automobiles, shipbuilding and tourism. With a GDP almost 50 billions dollars, Bahia is the richest state of the brazilian NorthEast and the 6th of Brazil.

    Note that Brazil is the 9th world economy with a GDP of more than 1 trillion dollars/year. Only G7 and Spain have a higher GDP.

  6. It will depend on the place you go. This state is industrialized (specially automobile and fuel), and it has many good universities. Bahia has the African culture. The Developent Human Index, on the other hand, is not very good. But people have their way of life (they are africans and don't need to live like a european).

  7. I spent 2 weeks in Bahia (Salvador) and loved it there..go on some of the island tours as well as the 'save the turtle project' and you will have a great time there..

  8. Among the 27 Brazilian states Bahia is the 20th in human development. If it was an independent country it would only be more developed than Honduras, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Haiti in Latin America. So, yes, it's poor, but not like Africa. The only part of the Americas that can be compared to Africa is Haiti.

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