
Is ballet right for me?

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I'm a teenage girl, 5'7 with long legs and a short torso. I'm not very flexible, but I'd be willing to work at it, and have already started doing "namaste yoga" off the TV to gain flexibility.

Just a few weeks ago, I got this strong urge out of nowhere to begin ballet, and there's a community school that teaches them three times a week, but they're not the step-by-step sign-up kind; they're the walk-in and do it kind. I suppose your answers won't really affect my decision to start going to the classes, but more my mentality about the situation. I haven't had any REAL dance experience in dance before.

What frame and body type do ballerinas usually have, and what is the general range in height?

Oh man, I have so many questions and they're all in this one.




  1. okay well if u want to do it try it.

    well dancers do want long legs and short torso...but flexibility is key!!! So get more flexy!

    Okay well i've been dancing since i was 4 and i'm en pointe, i'm a ballerina! But i weigh 97 pounds and i'm 5'1 so i'm actually short!  Ur pretty tall which can have disadvantages and advantages!  I'm almost normal for a dancer besides i'm a little short, but don't stop me...and u can b as tall and short as u want and still be good! So if u want 2 I would take dance!

  2. you can do it!!!

  3. Take the classes.  You will NEVER be a ballerina because you are too old and possibly too tall.  You will gain things you will appreciate, though, like grace, elegance, and sophistication.  All of the professional ballet dancers I know, both male and female, got started dancing at the age of 6 at the very latest, and by the time they were in high-school, they were going to the professional school and dancing more than reading their other books ...

  4. i used to do ballet and i wasnt flexable at all... when you begin they wont put you in like an advanced class.. they'll put you in a beginners class.. and your height has nothing to do with it. and trust me.. they work out alot!!!!!! soooo........ yeaaa..... you just have to really work at getting fit. but anybody can do ballet.....

  5. I'd say all you can do is try! There are many body types that are successful in ballet. Long legs are always envied, so you already have an advantage! :) And your height is good, tall dancers have longer lines, which is good for the aesthetic. The fact that you're willing to work on flexibility is good. Ballet (like all dance forms) is no easy thing, so be prepared to work hard. Good Luck, I think you can do it! :)

  6. I have about the same body as you. Well, I'm flexible, but I've been dancing for a while. Long legs are always a plus. If you really want to do ballet, then it's right for you. But not if it's just a sudden urge. It takes a lot of work. There isn't really a range in height as far as I can tell, but I'm 5'7, too.

  7. There usually tall and thin.  Im sure if its a class for beginers youll be fine. You do have to be felxible but scince your willing to put some effort into it that wont be a problem.

    I hope you enjoy it.

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