
Is basketball a good work out?

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even if it's just me shooting around, as long as im running for the ball and shooting constantly, is it a good exercise to burn a lot of calories?

maybe for like an hour or so?




  1. YES YOU ***

  2. you can bet on it...its pretty good..

  3. h**l yea.. you get more of a burn playing a real game.. nothing like the real deal... you'll sweat off the calories easy.. a good full court game is best.. then play a few games and you will really feel it and it will help you get back in shape and get your endurance up

  4. Isi it better than swimming- no (inch for output it is the best of all workouts) But, as opposed to sitting around, basketball works out a ton of muscles that you might not ordinarily use.  To maiximize the benefits play a pick-up game to force you out of your comfort zone.

  5. basketball is a good work out, if you really go out and play the game like you are suppose too. You work a lot of muscles at one time, you are burning calories like crazy, and you are getting your cardio up very rapidly. No its not as effective as swimming or maybe a good track workout, but its a good all round cardio and flexibility workout, if you try and play at least twice a week.

  6. you want to be burn calories in basketball? play really tight defense and you'll lose your calories. Playing tight defense takes extra effort that's why not a lot of people want doing that.

  7. It is a great workout, however I disagree with the first poster who implied a full court real game is the best basketball related workout. If you want a real workout play a game of one on one with someone around your skill level (so it is competitive).

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