
Is becoming a doctor (MD) worth it?

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its just so many years in college, i feel like im gonna be old by the time i get out. is it really worth it like profit-wise, and if there are any doctors out there; do u find it rewarding?




  1. im just a highschool student  but i agree..that being a doctor is worth it..i mean jus take a look at the medical drama Hopkins, or grey's anatomy,house..[well obviously things arent gnna b exactly like that] but the point is..once ure a doctor ull b glad..i wish u the best of luck..and ure sense of thinking is good..its not alll about the money..its the smiles on patients ..and that hope and confidence u get from them that matters.

    good luck =]

  2. sonya you do realize that if that doctor would have treated your brother without health insurance he would have been stealing from the practice or hospital and would have lost his job and license to practice, and then his life would have been over too.  Blame the US health care system (which I believe is total garbage, even though I have excellent health care), not that particular doctor. I'm sorry for your loss but you need to know where to place the blame.

  3. If you are looking for a financial reason to become a doctor, then forget it. Doctors are not making the kind of profit they did before 1980. Making money is NOT a good reason to go into medicine.

    Medicine is rewarding in ways that no other job can be. But money is becoming a smaller and smaller part of the reward.

    Old Doc

    Mike is sorely mislead and I feel for Sonya. In my position, I am free to give away my services and the services of my practice (including my colleagues) to anyone I choose. Even the hospital is obligated if I order care for any patient. Ability to pay is not a requirement for care in any hospital in the US that receives public funds. There are reasons that care is withheld leading to a patients death but finances has not been one of them. I suspect there is more to the death of her brother than finances and I hope that someday she will fully understand. There are selfish individuals in all walks of life but for every selfish person in medicine there is another who is not.

  4. i am not a doctor but i would like to give you my point of veiw. i think being a doctor is wonderfull. if i had the funds to go to school to become one i would but i wouldnt go for the profits i would go because i know i could help someone who needs it and there is a need for alot of great doctors who really care about there patients and not the money i feel like your heart has to be in it. i just lost my brother 3 months ago cause a doctor was more concern about the money than patient and my brother didnt have any medical insurance so he let him die and think that was wrong. he is suppose to be there for the patient not the money

  5. im a medical studnt and i think takes alot of time but i also think its a time well spent cause there is alot of intristing stuff to learn in med school and u shold go to med school if ur intrested in this not because it pays well , cause u know mony dose not always equle happines i know its kinda a cleshay but it has some truth to it ,and i belive that the joy of learning how the human body work and stuff like that should be the reason to be come a doctor cause if u find that it dosent pay enogh you will at least enjoy what you do and also im told by seniors that it is rewarding

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