
Is behavior determined by genes and is not be able to corrected?

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I would like to ask the expert who study genetic and behavior about the homosexual and human-animal sexual "behavior". As my personal believe, "behavior" is a personal choice and no "behavior' cannot be corrected. Like a dog tends to bite and chew but with proper training those "behavior' can be corrected. Right?

If genes do determine one's behavior, which gene? I've never heard anyone said one's behavior can be predicted by looking at his/her genes in the body. What do you think?

I expect someone honestly and seriously answer without any personal attack. It's just a discussion.




  1. homosexuality is genetic and sometimes but rarely  learned.

    (genetics)read that:

    (not genetic. learned"behavior" or choice as you would say.)lets take a woman who is raped as a child. she will most likely a) not trust men and neglect them from the rest of her life and turn to women or b) be addicted to men. there are two outcomes for those kids of situations.

    (abnormal behavior)zoosexuality or beastiality is most times a psychological disorder. you dont look at animals and say : "oh ive seen my father do that, its ok to have s*x with animals."

    the difference between homosexual "behavior" and people having sexual relationships is that they are doing it with animals. we, as humans, are animals yes, but of a different more advance species lol i think in my opinion. and its different. what you are talking about is beastiality or zoo sexuality. it is between a human and an animal. homosexual "behavior" is between two members of the same s*x.

    and for the pregnant woman factor. no. after all since same s*x couples(Artificial insemination  is still as if heterosexuals were to have kids since women do not produce sperm). cant have kids, who do you think it having them? lol

    so no i do not agree with you.

    and no i dont take it as a personal attack. everyone has a right to their own opinion.

  2. Some behaviors and attitudes are determined by genes. For example...

    I take after my dad's side of the family.  I have the body type, skin, hair, and face from his side.  I also have the tendency to be careful with my money and don't care whether or not people like me.  Just like Dad.  

    My brother (my only sibling) takes after Mom's side of the family.  He has the body, skin, hair, and face of her side.  He enjoys gambling, doesn't mind losing his money, and has a desire to make everybody like him.  Just like Mom.

    The way we were brought up can't account for these differences, because we were both treated the same.  Only explanation, at least in my mind, is genetics.  

  3. I believe some genes may indicate certain tendencies, but, ultimately, humans must take responsibility for choices made. We may not like someone based on impressions at a first meeting, for example, but we can still choose to treat others with respect and courtesy. I'm not sure we can change how we feel inside, such as the dog's reaction to bite and chew, but training can teach a dog an alternative reaction.

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