
Is behaviour mimicked?

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i am currently doing a post grad certificate on SEBD in one of my assignments i have stated that behaviour is mimicked, does anyone know of any literature that i can use to back myself up?




  1. hmmm I cant remember the source, but when I was a care assistant they used to teach us NLP based psychology and "behaviour breeds behaviour" was one of the points they used to labour.

  2. Social-culturalists like Vygotsky believe that we learn from the people around us-basically mimicking!

    There's a book called Early Years Childcare and Education by MacLeod-Brudenell that hs info about it. Otherwise try typing in on internet.

  3. This is a sweeping generalisation, which I would not make if I were you.  Some behaviour is modelled by adults and children pick it up.  Some behaviour is mimicked by children, but not all!  Always hedge your bets!

    Look in any good child development text.
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