
Is being a Football Manager as easy as this ....?

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"We could all buy the best players in the World if we had an open cheque book ....." HARRY REDKNAPP

read this link, and what are your views on Harry's point that "looking around for loans and free transfers .... that side of the job is real managing" .... true?

opinions and views please, Footie section, thanks!

SPECIAL MENTION: Congratulations Jayde on your A* Maths result today - well done, we're all proud of you! From The English Football Section xx




  1. He's just saying that managing a team with little funds is more difficult than managing one with an open checkbook(albeit with a touch of bitterness).He is sort-of right.

  2. If Redknapp swapped places with Ferguson or Scholari would Portsmouth finish higher in the league than Man.Utd or Chelsea ?

    Not a chance in my book. The Premier League has replaced management skill with money. If you don't have as much money as the big four teams, no matter how good a manager you are, you won't win the League.

    The Genius of the Premier League :-

    Great managers are made to look very average because they don't have the money to compete and average managers are made to look great because they do have the money to compete.

  3. I think it's very true, and I fail to see how the likes of Jose Mourinho and Alex Ferguson can be "the best managers in the world" when they're given at least £50m to spend on new players every season.

    Redknapp is a fantastic manager, just look at the transfers he made last year...he was given some money to spend and he pretty much built a new team with as much as Manchester United are probably planning to spend on Berbatov alone soon. Big shout to David Moyes as well, who really has had to MANAGE his club, not just decide whether he's playing Nani or Giggs, or Deco or Ballack.

  4. I think he's right, it must be so much harder with virtually no money - look at the job Moyes has done at everton, the only managing the big budget managers do is deciding where to fit all their stars in to the team....!!!

    ..and well done to our resident football users on their fantastic exam results!!!!

  5. to point i agree with him as in buying players with not lots of money n such thats very frustrating n i for one would never be able to do that but i admire all those who can! but thats not all u have to do to become a great manager a lot of other things take place as well! and it is true that managers such as SAF have it easier in that particular subject because of the money! i also agree with marco on wenger...its true that wenger brings in talent that shud be worth million for not much cost but he makes them million dollar deals after they play for arsenal! thats gud managing as well!

  6. Being a good manager isn't about buying the best players in the world and hoping for the best, it's about managing the players you have, getting the most out of them and getting your tactics right.


    Also you need to find the right players for your team,you can buy the best players in the world, but it doesn't mean they'll perform as a team. If you have a team of super stars, they'll all go out thinking they can individually take on the whole team they are playing, and football doesn't work like that at all.

  7. He has a point does our Harry! It is harder to work on a shoestring budget than being able to buy whoever you want like Scolari at Chelsea! Thats what makes Harry Redknapp the great manager he is!! He is a terrific wheeler dealer and always spots a godd bargain for players! FA Cup last season was a great reward for Harry!

    Its one thing having the money however its another thing convincing the players to come to the club!! ;);)

    Congrats to the Problem and Jayde on you're results! As I am from Ireland I know litle about GCSE's but congrats all the same!;)

  8. I admire coaches who get a decent team out of empty funds. In a way that is why I think Wenger is the best coach in the EPL. He makes the most out of young unknown players. Tho i believe he DOES have funds available so not sure, when I see results like last season's, that it is always and necessarily a good thing that he doesn't use the funds at his disposal.

  9. I think his problem is that he manages to say a positive thing and somehow it comes out negative.

    "The Pompey boss reckons managing mega-rich clubs like Manchester United and Chelsea — with their huge transfer kitties — is so easy his wife Sandra could do it."

    I think that just speaks for itself.

    Like his wife could manage Man United.

    Thanks Carolyn :D

    Congrats to everyone else as well (:

  10. Sounds like a touch of jealousy from Redknapp.  A shame as he's a class manager.

  11. This guy has no moral values. He thinks its just cash which can win him silverware. He should look at sides like Everton and Arsenal (and even Getafe in Spain) who havent achieved much but have still been impressive without spending much.

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