
Is being a convicted felon at age 16 bad?

by  |  earlier

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If a girl was 16, and was a convicted felon for almost (literally) punching someone so much they almost died, bad?




  1. Being a convicted felon at any age is a bad thing.  

  2. umm. Right

  3. Of course it is bad.  I believe you know that already.  But you are 16 and still a minor so the ramifications may not be as bad as they would be.  If you have been convicted already, fulfill your punishment and take advantage of every opportunity to pull yourself up.  If you are simply afraid you are going to be arrested/convicted, start taking positive steps to keep yourself out of trouble in the future. Do what you can for yourself; keep grades up, choose good friends, take up some service work and definitely get some person/peer couselling and some anger control help.  Good luck

  4. ............................yes

  5. h**l yeah


  6. was she tried and convicted as an adult? If so, that felony conviction is on her record forever -- not a good thing.

    If she was tried and conicted as a minor, then her record is sealed when she turns 18, and will only become an issue if she wants to enter the US Military, become a police officer, or work in a government agency that requires security clearance.

    It may also be a factor if she commits a felony as an adult.

  7. Yes - it will follow her around for the rest of her life.  Anytime she applies to school or for a job she will be faced to deal with this.  I ceratinly wouldn't want to hire someone who did such a thing.

  8. yeah there goes your chances at having a job   EVER...

    McD's for you

  9. Well that's a no brain-er, I don't know anyone who has aspired to become a convicted felon. It's not good at any age & will come back to haunt you.


  10. Only if she plans on ever having a job.

  11. YES!!! In fact, if the girl was 18 it wouldn't be counselling or soft-core rehab, it would be JAIL for being so stupid

  12. Well, considering a felony stays on a person's record for the rest of their lives, and will pop up every time an employer does a background check.  Yes it is a bad thing.

  13. Being a convicted felon at any age is bad.

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