
Is being a delusional utopian better than being an ignorant realist?

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In a recent question, I highlighted the point of how ignorance in all of us only serves to propagate intolerant and hateful actions, to the point where harmless thoughts and discussions can easily escalate into global violence and genocide.

In this, I established the importance of peace and tolerance, coupled with love and caring treatment of others. My aim was to promote an example that we could benefit from loving each other, and being non-violent. In short, I aim to work towards a future where all religions can coexist harmoniously.

I was branded a delusional utopian by one of the answers, and several others backed this up with the observation that it is unrealistic.

I know it's unlikely to ever happen, and that following this cause is a waste of time for one person.

However, I feel it is better to be one person acting to bring change, than to be that same person ignoring the difference that could be made.

No one person can successfully bring tolerance and peace. No organisation, regardless of its size, could bring this about. It takes everyone, or at least an overwhelming majority.

It is not impossible if everyone is part of it. It is only impossible as long as the majority think it is, and do nothing.




  1. i'd say choose which ever feels best for you, and let others do the same.

  2. Isn't that what I told you.  - "do what YOU can do to make this world a better place", if people want to follow your lead? good, but bear in mind, when this happens often the leader becomes corrupted by his  own self importance and whole cycle repeats itself, so maybe you really want to be a meglomaniac? dont be concerned about what other people do or dont do, or  what they believe or dont believe, if someone is happy with their lot let them be. Personally" I COULDNT GIVE A TINKERS CUSS" about any of your ideas now, I thought you were maybe a little deluded and I tried to be nice, so much for that effort! because you asked for your  question to be answered and now you are moaning about the answers - for ****'s sake stop whinging go join a "bloody" monestary.

  3. Edison at one point would've been called an impossibly delusioned man.

    Jesus for sure was.  The conservatives of His day killed Him for refusing to deny his "delusions."

    You're in good company.  Don't stop pushing for the realization of your vision.

  4. to be a real  realist requires a lot of education,

    and one has to have a lot of knowledge to be totally realistic.

    Ignorance and realism are opposites.

    Although there  are many  ignorant people ,

    who have  delusions of being realistic.

    I think your on the wrong path.

    Most of humanities  problems come from the concept of religions in the first place

    Religions were invented to separate humanity

    the principle of Divide and conquer.

    All religions have always preached love and peace

    And ALL Have practiced War and conquest.

    I think we should be led up the garden path.

    the way to the heart and peace is through the stomach.

    we have more in common with our tastes

    than we do with our spiritual thoughts.

    I have discovered personally that all differences are put aside,when one is discussing gardening,Little old ladies who shunned me  in civilized surroundings, flocked to my side in the garden .

    bearing this in mind i give you

    please wade through the doom

    there is a point and a light at the end.

    from a schizophrenic delusional Utopian,

    who suffers from attacks of realism.

  5. A realist tries to do something about there ignorance with a quest for truth

  6. I prefer the term idealistic realist.  There are many things in this world that are unlikely:  world peace, cures for all diseases, non-dysfunctional families, honest politicians, true equality and so on.  We have a choice to pursue these ideals as best we can or submit to hopelessness, jealousy, and greed.  There may be consequences for choosing one over the other, but there are no guarantees and choosing to be realistic to the point of cruelty may actually get you ahead in some cases.  But it won't earn you my respect nor will it change what I choose.  And that's just the way it is.

  7. I think i'm a realist and i think that i am fairly tolerant and quite a good person. you can't change certain behaviors that have been ingrained and past down through generations overnight.

  8. It seems that a lot of people who call themselves realists, are really pessimists.

    It may be that what you are aiming for is a utopia, a perfection we could never reach, however, it's also true, that if we aim high, we get further and closer to our goal than if we take a defeatist, pessimistic view of the problem.

    Utopia may be impractical, but aiming for it, and working towards it, is the most practical thing we can do to get more done:)

  9. Is being a curious Lucky Bunny, better than being a spurious Pikan Hugger?

    Hi, BadBeast

  10. “Every daring attempt to make a great change in existing conditions, every lofty vision of new possibilities for the human race, has been labeled Utopian.” -Emma Goldman

    I think we can only reach as high as we aim.  People will sometimes put you down for your beautiful spirit.  Don't take it personally.  Be the change you wish to see in the world, as Ghandi said.  You can make a huge impact!   I think you are absolutely right that love is the answer, because love transcends all petty divisiveness.  The world is also changing and we are becoming increasingly global.  We all share each others problems.  Remember that there are many other compassionate (and passionate) souls like you out there and they are the ones who will be instrumental in the healing of our earth.  We don't have much of a choice.  The world can't sustain the continuous and ever increasingly destructive violence and exploitation much longer.  People who are full of love and creativity are the ones who will be instrumental in finding a way out of this maddness.  Humans obviously have incredible potential.  We can (and do) shape the world we live in.  Why settle for brutality when we can aim for peace and abundance?

  11. Sticks and stones, my friend.

    Whatever labels people throw at you, I will stand with you in your ideals here... as I share them.

    I've been called a lot of things. None of that has fundamentally changed me and who I am.

    So, if someone would call me delusional, my comment would be, "says YOU...."

  12. anythings better than someone who employs false dichotomies  

  13. They are not the only options.

    To work to create a better world is simply right, not utopian.

    To do so when you are aware others are working against that and you may not succeed is not delusional.

    To light one candle is better than cursing the darkness.

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