
Is being a mom really as great as people say?

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Im still a teenager, but i always hearing moms saying how having a child is the best reward. What makes being a mother so special? I just wanted to here some opinions.




  1. Yes it is great, but you can't possibly understand until you are one.

  2. I waited to have a child; it didn't matter.  I was not prepared and had no idea what it would be like (no matter how hard I tried) until it actually happened.

    It is the toughest job I have ever had.  It is the true definition of crazy've got to be so many things to this little human being all at the same time.  The love is deeper and stronger than I could ever imagine - almost primal.  You do have to give SO very much that there are days you want to throw in the towel.  But you can't!  That's the thing.  

    At the end of the day, yes it is great.  Exhausting and crazy and exasperating, but always great.

  3. For me personally becoming a mom changed my life and my outlook on the world.  It is very rewarding for the right people, I do child care out of our home so I am with my children almost 24/7 but I see lots of parents who may not feel like being a parents very rewarding it all depends on the situation you are in.

  4. Being a mom is one of the most terrifying and satisfying things I have ever done.  I will say do not do it until you are at a point in your life where you can willingly give yourself over to another entirely.  When you have a child 80% of your life is not your own.  Almost everything you do is in some way shape or form for them.  I have rarely finished my own plate of food, eaten a hot plate of food or gone to the restroom uninterrupted for the past 14 years!  Yes I have a 14 year old who will have an entire conversation through the shower curtain or bathroom door (this is fine, because sometimes it's her only chance to have an uninterrupted conversation with me).  I don't regret a moment of it.  If I regret anything it's that I didn't cherish it more with my first two.

  5. You create and nurture a tiny human life, from conception.  You get to see the world from your baby's eyes as they learn everything for the first time.  You get a whole new perspective on life (overnight!) because you suddenly realize what is important and what is not.  You also get the pride of helping your child hold his bottle, feed himself, take his first steps, say his first word, etc.

    Nothing compares.  :)

  6. lol well as a mom of 2 boys i must say honestly yes aat times of coars you will always have second thoughts everyone does and if they say they dont then they are liers lol i love my boys more than anything and would not chang it for the world but it is hard work but its like when you work really really hard for many many years and then buy a house in fiji on the shore ,,, look at the reward wow im explaining this all wrong lol what im trying to say is it is SOSOSOSO rewarding and there is unconditional love you are literly a supper hero!

  7. It is very special, but very hard work also. I wouldn't recommend becoming a mom because you want to make up for another part of your life that is lacking.

    It is special because you have this child that you made and you brought into the world. Somehow if you can get through the feedings, the diapers, the crying (from the baby and yourself) you can realize what a miracle a child is. Unfortunately more often people get "surprised" pregnant and don't turn their life over to being a parent. It is a huge commitment and better done with a great partner to be the father. Some people see children as getting in their way, etc. I see that as a person who had a child to fill a void as a showpiece or trophy.

    Overall I have never felt such joy as seeing my daughter for the first time, or even better hearing her scream MAMA because I went to the bathroom without her. But I have never felt so stressed, broke, overprotective, worried at the same time either.

  8. No!  that's why women are finally talking about post-partum depression.  It is a strange new life-sucking role.  I love my kids as cool individuals, but I don't love being a mom and the role that it implys.  For me, I have to seperate my kids from everyone elses or society's view of kids and then I think "wow, they are amazing"...but, me, I'm still just me.

  9. Not every woman is cut out to be a mom....but having said that, if you are one.......when that little one is placed in your arms, your heart will melt 'knowing' you would die for them without a hesitation.   Seeing their eyes look into yours knowing they are safe with you.   Having them say 'wuv you' for the first time.   The first slobbery kiss.  Having a bouquet of dandelions brought to you just because they love you.  I would not have given any of those things sooooo many, many more!!

  10. yes it is it a gift from god himself. but that mean you a lot more responsibility than u had before. but it only fun when you old enough

  11. It depends on the woman and what they want out of life. If you want kids than yes motherhood is great and rewarding. If you do not want children then motherhood will destroy you. Don't base such a huge decision on what others tell you. You and only you can decide what is best for you.

  12. I love being a mom and I love my kids.  But it is a thankless job until they get older enough to appreciate you and all the c**p you do around the house and for them.  But it's worth it!  I would be so bored if I didn't have my kids.  I wouldn't know what to do with myself!

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