
Is being a teacher a good job?

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i wanna teach social studies for middle school. i dont wanna do it all of my life, though. i would like to get a career in the USAF or USMC. would that be a good job to get after serving? how do you like being a teacher if you are a teacher?




  1. if you wanna be a teacher, you half to kare about your stoodents and not make 'em feel like pee-ons by makin' em do stoopid stuff lack poosh-upz all the tahm.  Sounds lack you wanna teech jem, or pee-E, not sotial studees.

    ...and if you want to learn how to THINK, much less aspire to teach others how to think, don't go into the military...but, as someone said, going into an inner-city school, having a military background will help you become more respected, especially since the military likes to recruit from inner-city schools all the time.

  2. Students love their teachers.  If you were a pilot, take some pictures and show them.  They love that stuff!  If you teach inner city, then even better because they appreciate masculinity more than in the suburbs.

  3. I love teaching...I find this a rewarding career choice for me because the days are never the same...some great, some sucky but the kids keep me on my toes...

    The fact you have experience in other areas is a good thing, it keeps you interesting to the children....

    I'm not sure what the money is like in your country but here in NZ the money is good...not great but good...I'm not complaining....

    As for the push ups...I teach in a school filled with ethnic minorities..(which is great as I belong to the same ethnic group as most of my students)  I am trying to teach them to use standard English as they can be a little 'creative' with the way they speak LOL....

    EG...instead of saying copying...the kids say copyring....????

    The kids know if they say copyring they give me five push ups....we all have a laugh and get on with the lesson...

    As long as it's kept fun...I don't see an issue with the push ups....

  4. Teaching can be a very gratifying job--IF you're actually allowed to teach.  Unfortunately, keeping the class focused on learning seems to be the biggest and hardest part of the job. A former military officer should have an advantage in that area, but remember that you'd be dealing with vulnerable, impressionable not-quite-adults, no matter how difficult they can be.  

    That aside, sharing and imparting knowledge is a wonderful experience.  If you'e interested in your subject and like kids of the age you'd be teaching, then go for it!

  5. I am currently in school to become a teacher. I think teaching is only a good job for someone that cares about the students that they will be teaching and loves the subject that they will be teaching.

  6. Yes indeed but you have so many things to consider because being a good teacher is being a good role model too. A lot of patience, sacrifice and dedication is needed.Students looked up to their professors or teachers because teachers serve as their light and torch. Teacher's success is when  their students becomes successful,  be it in their chosen career or whatever accomplishments they have (big or small). I am also a teacher in a University..I experienced hardships and heartaches everytime I see my student failed or did not get any good grades at all. You can never be rich by teaching alone, that's a fact . The only riches we have is the only things we give to them without expecting any reward. Now, would you still want to be a teacher?( ^_^)  Good luck and God bless you!

  7. it is depend where will you teach. a better quality school will demand more qualification, but they will always pay you more.

  8. I am a teacher and I will tell you that it is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world.  Here are some of the things you should know before you get into it though.  

    You must be able to be political

    I worked in public schools for 2 years and I had to leave because I couldn't take the b.s. any more.  It was all about test scores and not making the parents mad.  All the attention that had to go to those efforts really took away from the time that could be spent teaching the kids.  

    You  have to have passion

    If you don't have passion for the kids and for the subject that you teach then you might as well hang it up.  The kids will know if you don't care about them or what you are trying to teach.

    You have to be ready to be dissapointed

    The kids will dissapoint you.  The parents will dissapoint you.  The other teachers will dissapoint you.  The administrators will dissapoint you.  There will be things that will happen that you will think are very wrong but you will have to roll with the punches and move on.  You can't let dissapointments get you down because the kids will pick up on what you are feeling.  

    You will be teaching to a test

    Thanks to our wonderful president we are not able to just teach our kids content we have to teach them how to take tests that "measure what they have learned."

  9. It's very rewarding but also stressful. I've learned that  a teacher can be  a good or bad  example. We are mentors to the kids we come in contact with. Some teachers are very negative while some are optimistic.  I'm learning as I go not to be selfish in reaching out to the less fortunate students. You have some smart students that know that they are smart and some average students that can become excellent if the teacher is willing to make themself available to go the extra mile to help the students.

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