
Is being a tease considered a bad thing?

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I mean, is it an insult?




  1. If you are "pissing off" some one then yes it is considered a bad thing

  2. It all depends on how you're teasing.

    I'm a big fat tease with my fella, it drives him wild.  after 3 1/2 years, we still have an awesome s*x life.

  3. Absolutely not. Usually it means you are playful, and nothing is wrong with that.

  4. Its not necessarily a bad thing if its not taken too far.  Make sure whomever your teasing understands its all in fun and that you are not sending mixed signals.  A lot of situations when it comes to teasing may lead to unwanted sexual advances you are not ready for or are not looking for.  So be careful who you play around with...

  5. Yes, guys don't like teases, actually we hate them, once I find out a girl is a tease, I don't talk to her anymore. What's the point of being fake anyway?

  6. i would never want to be called a tease. its like going around to one guy and doing stuff with him but wont give it all to him. you teased him. then you go off to the next guy and do the same thing. they think they are getting what they want but then you stop right when they nearly had it. no girl wants to be a tease.

  7. yeah, it is, sorry. just try not to flirt with so many guys and then leave them hanging. :-)

  8. I ALWAYS stayed away from the tease thing....I think it is the shortfall for asking for trouble...I never was one and nev er would be one...raised my children the same way.


  9. generally, yes

  10. It really depends on how you define tease. If you are leading someone on, ie: purposefully acting as if you like him more than you do w/out ever intending to follow through w/going out on a date, fooling around, or whatever ~ then yes, it is bad to be a tease. It is just dishonest.

    But ~ if you really do like the guy you are not being a tease just because you don't feel comfortable w/a certain level of intimacy. Everyone is different. You should never feel pressured to continue past a certain point.

    Tease is a word that guys use to pressure girls ~ and the messed up thing about it is that although girls should be sticking up for each other, they usually don't. Look how many girls here have responded that it is a bad thing to be a tease.

    Trust me ~ the first time you have gone to far with someone  ~ not because you really want to, but because of peer pressure ~  you will feel so much worse than you do when guys call you a tease. Seriously.

    The great thing about being a tease is that *you* are in control of the situation.  

  11. Pretty Much. ... unless it's someone you know that wouldn't make fun of you and knows with one little insult you won't get mad. (i.e. boyfriend, sister, best friend, teacher)

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  12. sometimes it just depends on who alls you a tease

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