
Is being a tree hugger normal?

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i love saving the earth by recycling etc. i love trees they help stop global warming by turning co2 to o2 through photosynthesis




  1. ya u r good one ,it is the love it self ,i am with u too u r not selfish

  2. No, being a tree hugger is a mental illness.  Recycling is good because it saves money and energy. Trees are good because they provide us with limber and food. I once hugged a chainsaw...

  3. of course not, as a group they are pretty silly...

    as a group they much prefer plants and animals to people

    they identify themselves with radical groups who share their disdain for people, like the Sierra Club, whose founder of course was John Muir, who considered people to be a blight upon the landscape, and Greenpeace, whose past president advocated the wholesale die off of the human race...

    No, I do not believe they are normal...

  4. It is normal to find nature aesthetically pleasing.

    It's a bit over the top to talk in terms of "saving the earth."

  5. U got it partly right , as GW is a scam propagated by Gore.

  6. im a tree hugger  because a huged tree is a happy tree ♥

  7. Being a tree-hugger is very normal. And, you should be proud that you care enough about our planet to help it, even if a little.

    Good for you!

  8. Normal that's questionable....what is normal?

    It is shows evolved awareness to

    realize that what we do effects all else and then

    be consciously aware enough to do what you can

    to create a sustainable environment ...

    Tree hugging is a term..........not an act

    (although hugging and talking to them is done by those

    who are aware that all is interconnected and of the same

    vast energy field of consciousness - the plant kingdom

    has been scientifically prooven in the 60's to respond to

    voice music and touch) It is a term started by those who

    were unaware and latched on to by those who love trees

    and wish to communicate on their level to promote good

    vibrations...(and science proves all has vibrational frequency)

  9. I am a tree hugger. I don't find anything wrong with it. Keepon hugging trees!

  10. With the cost of gasoline for cars, natural gas and home heating oil rising, etc., if one is not a tree hugger now, if you are a home owner you will be by next spring.

    And there are so many inexpensive ways to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources  like planting a shade tree, CFL light bulbs, weather stripping exterior door openings, exterior solar shades, caulking around window frames and so on.

    Even starting, as a home owner, with a home energy audit which is free from many utilities in the States to find out the areas inefficiently consuming non-renewable resources in one's own home is to me the best place to start.

  11. Only in the United States of America can our only major concern be Global Warming.

    You don't have to worry about starving.

    You don't have to worry about malnutrition.

    We got it so good here that we not even sure what to whine about anymore -  So, Yes being a tree hugger in this country is totally perfectly normal.

  12. It's ok as long as you don't put the lives of trees before the lives of people.

    "Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental."

    —Dave Forman, Founder of Earth First!

  13. Dont label yourself.  Try to stand out and be original, creative, informed, inspired and inspiring.  Just like every other group of people, falling into a category is the problem, not the group itself.  Even the groups that seem to be living on the edge and reject conformity do the same thing.

    Be yourself and dont worry what is normal.  Normal is boring.  What is normal for one person is not normal for another.

  14. I wouldn't call it tree hugging. I'd call it caring for life. There was a boy that called me a tree hugger, and I hated him. I learned to ignore and help the earth anyway.

  15. it should be normal. But most people thinks its dumb. I don't understand why they would think that because if the earth isn't healthy and alive then how are they going to stay alive. Its good to recycle and do other things to help the earth, but some people are just so lazy that they cant put a single recycling bin in there house. People just get too caught up in there lives to even think about the earth. I wish being a tree hugger was normal these days but its not for most people. That doesn't mean anyone who is a tree hugger should stop. It just means that we'll have to get other people to be "tree huggers" and help us stay alive on earth.

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