
Is being a vet a good job?

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I've been thinking about being a vet? Do vets get paid good? Do they get good benefits? Is it a good job, or one of those high stress jobs?

P.S. I love animals, and I would love to be working with them all day.




  1. I would think that it would be a rewarding job because you're helping animals get well.  Or in a case when an animal comes in for a yearly check up, you're helping them continue to be healthy and happy.

    Personally I couldn't be a vet, I would get too upset if I saw an animal hurt or sick.

  2. Faqpro....The 1st three ?,s you asked,pay..benefits...good job,show me that you would be a 2nd year privet practice burn out..and at the expense of some of your clients. You have to love this prof. to make it. You will be finan. comfort. but not rich.If your looking at monetary ben. there are few but the others are numerous.Handing back a childs pet that you've saved is priceless.Treating a sen. citizens pet and charging on their ability to pay is noble and self rewarding.Maybe I've misjudged and do not want to disuade you if you do have noble intentions. Go to the Angel Memorial Animal Hosp. web site and browse.Good Luck

  3. Well if you love animals then the rest really shouldn't matter.

  4. My dad is a vet.. He likes it but i dont really know much about it.. We have a nice house.

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