
Is being a virgin really that big of a deal???

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When in high school I believe it is a big deal (just because teenagers are sooo dumb). People get really shocked though if u are a college student and a virgin too. When I lost mine It didn't feel like a big deal. I don't know if I was expect fireworks or what ( I also did it with the wrong guy, but still don't feel the lost). The way people talk is like virginity is power and really is it? Holding out for a good while can still be a test for a guy because usually the test for the guy is waiting on the virgin...

So is being a virgin really that big of a deal? all opinions welcome




  1. yeah, and that's why I'm waiting till married for s*x.

  2. well i don't think being a virgin is a bad thing its pretty good because today in age  alot of people are loosing it so young so being a irgin at some ages are rare today!! but you know i don't know ita good to be a virgin but you know its no big deal!

  3. i think it really depends on the person you know? some ppl are ready to have s*x and some ppl arent. it all depends on what u bleve. i don't think it's a big deal if u are a virgin or not as long as your not sleeping around and being S****y. no person is better than the other.

  4. not at all. s*x is objective. sum ppl dont do iht cuz they dont want to, and if they dont wanna, ihts there thing. ppl shud stop judging others. btw im not a virgin haha

  5. I don't think so. I'm 17 and a virgin. I want to wait for the right person to have that happen with.

  6. The rare flower.  Its a concept, an idea, something that people seem to forget.  Your body is suppose to be your most precious gift.  To give it to anyone, degrades its value.  Most marriages end in divorce and a lot of women aren't satisfied with men in s*x.  That's because they can compare.  Its because the woman is used.  She has been sampled.  Virginity is a big deal to some because it has value and normally leads down a road with less problems.  It is often people who forget their actions that cause problems without realizing it.  If you give it up to more than one person, you should expect things to be different from the one who waited to find the right one.  Plus s*x desensitizes people the more they have it with different people.  It becomes something they do not something that has value in a relationship that is precious between two people.

  7. Well, I'm 25 and I just recently lost my virginity to a prostitute because women wouldn't give me a chance. It wasn't about losing my virginity it was about knowing what it was like to be with a girl.

  8. This question is asked 437409834230 times a day.

    Everyone has different veiws, but i can say im really glad me and my girlfriend saved it for eachother. She is 20, and i am 19, we've been childhood loves and plan on marrying. We both lost it about 2 years ago. It's something very special i will never regret, and always remember. It's all about the specialness!

  9. 2 points

  10. i honestly dont think being a virgin is really a big deal. to me it doesn tmean anything like its not really significant. of course, since im a teenager i shouldnt have s*x haha im not trying to say s*x is no big deal do it whenever you want lol but...ya i just dont think being a virgin or not really means anything

  11. it should be for a girl who is really looking for love  

  12. i don't think so i was 19 before i lost mine it didn't really feel like a big deal maybe because the guy i lost it to was really nice, so much so were still together.


  13. Being a virgin is a huge deal; keeping yourself a virgin means that you have struggled through temptation and others mocking.

    I don't know if its really power in the literal sense, but it does mean that you have SELF power, which is way more important.

    I am still a virgin and will be until marraige, until I KNOW that he is the right guy; no exceptions.

  14. Yes it is.... and i totally commend you for being one. It shows that you're strong and not easily influenced by others. Wait till you're truly in love....or better yet, married to  have s*x. You won't regret it....

  15. Meh, s*x is a material thing, I'm with my girlfriend, I love her with all my heart... but having s*x with her for the first time, and having s*x if both of us had already lost our virginity, wouldn't be a big deal for me. s*x is just what you do for pleasure, and maybe if you love someone, it can all depends on the reason for s*x. But there's nothing wrong with being a virgin.

  16. I personally believe it is a huge deal. Just think about it..being with your soul mate for years and staying a virgin, though you want to lose your get married and then finally lose it. It'll feel much better in the long run that you waited because you know you can stick to what you believe in. :)

  17. not that big of a deal...

  18. Yeah I guess it's a big deal since most women these days act like whores. Give yourself a pat on the back for waiting longer to lose it. :)

  19. yes

  20. i find being a virgin a huge deal..i've talked to soo many different people and they always say that i'm stupid for waiting..that i won't know what i want if i don't experience it..but then the exact same people always say something like..i'm not proud of it..i regret it..then why do i want to do something that everyone else regret?? i know that i won't have to worry about getting pregnant or a std.or anything..i have the safest way of being sure none of that happens to me..and i know i'll never be able to compare my future husband to anyone..i'll only think of him when we have s*x..that's my view point on it..

  21. I don't think so, it's just s*x. Not a lunar landing.

  22. no not really

    it only matters if your a 40 year old virgin

    then it's weird

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