
Is being able to do this with your eyes common, or am i just strange??

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ok ,i have perfect vision .. my vision is so good that it actually scares people.

i can read a MSoffice font size 10 text printed from a distance of over 15+ feet with ease

However since i was a child i was able to flex the muscle in my eyes where i am able to control on tap a very clear vision to a blury one

i just wanted to know if anyone else was able to do this?

if anyone else was able to change their eye sight from extremely clear to extremely blury on tap??




  1. Yes i can do this too but sometimes I can;t but more often than not I can. I can read size 7 font from a distance because i'm long sighted in one eye and have perfect vision in the other and one of my eyes see colours slightly more vividly than the other. You're not alone!

  2. You are flexing the muscle that controls the lens in your eye; this increases your total eye power and blurs distance vision.

    This is perfectly normal, as changing the lens is needed everytime you look at something closer than 20 ft, you flex that muscle unconciously dozens and dozens of times every day.

    The only difference is that you are flexing it conciously while viewing distance objects.

  3. if you had had all the operations that my brother has had over the years you would look after your sight. He started pulling his eyelids at a very early age and now has severe dropped eyelids, he has had over 30 operations and will continue for many years to come.

  4. I can do that. I find it easier on games that you have to distinguish colours to do that!

  5. Isnt that when you just go cross eyed?

  6. no

  7. I can read size 10 MSoffice from 40cm away.

    My eye sight is poor.

    My sister has perfect eye sight although.

  8. yeppp..! i can do this and i was wonderin the same thing! dont worri, nothins rong... loadsa peepz can do that! LOl

  9. Are you from Smallville?  You may have super powers!  Of be able to get a part on that show. : )  I wish I had your vision!

  10. My vision is fairly poor, so I struggle to read font 10 at a distance of 0.5m so the fact you can do it at 15+ is fantastic.

    I can however blurr my eyesight (at least I mean blurr more!) so it goes from blurred to very blurred Lol.

    I wouldn't recommend you do this too often, It may strain your eyes and with such exceptional eyesight, you don't want to damage it.

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