
Is being against the "war" bad for busiiness?

by Guest32904  |  earlier

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Of course, by "war" I mean the US attack and occupation of Iraq. A war has never been declared by congress.

Couldn't congress declare a war against poverty and ignorance instead? Maybe the benefits would flow to the people instead of the wealthy.




  1. Congress was lied to, and some were for it. Some of Congress have heavy interests in war, Fact!! War is very profitable thats why the military industrial complex was created.

  2. No, but it's good for the business of terrorism.

  3. This war sure has not been kind to the American dollar.

    NO, I don't want to see them declare a "War on Poverty."

    They declared a "War on Drugs" about 30 years ago and there are more drugs available now than ever.

  4. Congress authorized the sending of troops to Iraq.  They have continued to authorize it by funding it.  So even though there wasn't an actual declaration of war, Congress has responsibility for the war.

    Any political stance that is openly advocated by a business will be bad for business because it may offend the people that hold another view on these issues.

    How does someone declare war on poverty?  To declare war there must be an enemy.  Would the enemy be poor people?

  5. Are you joking me? The profit motive was the MAIN, and I repeat, MAIN reason for invading Iraq, be it from oil, the "Defense" industry (which profited mad crazy and continues to do so, think Haliburton), or the reconstruction with our multinationals. Love Bush or hate him, you have to admit he is trickier than Nixon for putting this war past the American people.

  6. thats how i think of it. The poor being put ont he streets every day because they cant afford a house or food. But the rich when they loose there mansion they can still afford another house. What i dont get is why the government wont help the poor but will help people across sea but not the poor and homless that live in the same country they help rule. But then again i guess it all comes down to they help the rich and the rich gives them money since you can see thats all i they care about.

  7. It's only bad for the business of war.  War is money and lots of it.  The more you spend on war the less you'll be able to spend on the public and it's needs. So more money for domestic issues and less war.......

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