
Is being an Eagle Scout really helpful in applying to college?

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pretty much the only reason i stuck it out and finally got it was for college because I heard that it really helps. Is that true or not?




  1. I know someone who got a full-ride scholarship (ROTC) to USC (an expensive school), and it was primarily due to his Eagle Scout experience.  I think it's a terrific addition for your college applications, and you should definitely be proud of attaining that level.  Stress the leadership qualities you learned, and anything else that comes to mind.  

  2. I wouldn't know. I'm an Eagle but I never mentioned it anywhere on my college application and I still got accepted to a pretty good school. However, you really need to put that on your resume because it'll pretty much guarantee you a job. Congrats by the way  

  3. It certainly can't hurt!!  I have two brothers, both of whom are eagle scouts like yourself.  My oldest brother included it when he applied for college and though that alone won't get you in, it certainly can help.

    My brother has also been able to relate his scouting experience to possible employers, all of whom were very  impressed.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Well, it shows a level of commitment that is pretty impressive.  It is one of many things that can help in the admissions process.  But I would suggest that if you tell the admissions people this, it will not look so impressive.

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