
Is being an existentialist something you admit to in a confessional?

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Is being an existentialist something you admit to in a confessional?




  1. Shamefully...yes.

  2. It's something I admit to without the need for a confessional.  Existentialism is as rational and sound (IF premises are true, conclusions are true) a system as any.  The only reason I see it receiving so much flak is because its basic tenets are romanticized and widely accessible.  In other words, it attracts the French beret and clove cigarette crowd more than any other philosophy.

  3. i don''t have an answer, but this is the best question I've ever read in this forum.

  4. If that is what you are, and that is your philosophy, it colors not only your thoughts but everything you do.  If you are comfortable being an existentialist, it cannot be considered sinful.  If, on the other hand, you feel guilty with this set of philisophical beliefs, you should discuss it with your confessor.  

  5. Not really. You can be a Christian existentialist. Many famous, smart people have been. I don't know if they were catholics or not, and I am not either so I guess I am speculating, but I doubt it.

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