
Is being beautiful a burden or a help? What does it depend on?

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Is being beautiful a burden or a help? What does it depend on?




  1. it is definitely a double edged sword. first, you do get treated much nicer in society and you get your pic of things, however, sometimes people talk down to you, figuring you can't possibly be too intelligent since you are so pretty. then they get shocked when you let them know just how smart you are. then you really do get hated on by insecure people who act as if you are pretty to make them feel inferior, you know. I wouldn't change my looks, but there are plenty of downsides to it...I just LOVE the upside...oh yeah, sometimes you can't even be sure whether or not people like you for "you" or because of your looks!

  2. As Jimmy Soul sang...If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.

    I would agree

  3. anyone who thinks their beauty is a daily hindrance is full of themselves

  4. Il tell ya, it has its sweet moments...But oh the bad ones...

    I was on my way home just last week and i was really hammered. When these 40+ women asked me if i wanted a "ride" home. Then the girls who want to sleep with you just to get a reputation, like you are some sort of prize they can brag to their friends about. Guys often go "GIRLS ARE NOT LIKE THAT!!!!". But oh yes they are, they are even worse then dudes, thats why we love them;)

  5. It helps the rest of us as there is nothing in this world like a beautiful female. If they have the personality to go along with the beauty I would imagine that it´s a help. If they don´t then it´s a hindrance.

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