
Is being columbian or mexican or any other country in south america...?

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is being e.g. columbian a nationality or an ethnic background? I would think thats its a nationality because people who live in latin american countries (e.g. mexico,argentina,brazil,bolivia,peru) have different races living in these countries. So, there is not one specific race, latin america is a continent of the world so to speak, it consists of every ethnic background of the world basically in just one continent, and that there is no such thing as a latino race. Am i correct?




  1. Not sure if I understand the question correctly.  But if I do, the answer is they are called or considered Latin American or hispanic.  More specifically when something like the census asks they would check "hispanic" and then country of heritage origin like Spanish or columbian.  Did that answer your question?

  2. Saying somebody is Latino is the same as calling a British person a European or an American as being a North American.  So, you are correct in that Latino is not a race, it is a regional title.  A person from Colombia is a Colombian and so forth.

  3. where ever you live at, that's your Nationality, But talking about Background like being Latino just means you're from Latin Descent, yes some people from Latin America are Dark or Light but still they're from Latin America so that is a Race, Just Like America there's so many peopel with different Backgrounds yet we call ourselves Americans [only talking about people in America] but we look different, it's basically where you come from or where you're from

  4. In fact, the world "latino", or more appropriately " hispanic", doesn't express anymore the ethnicity, even though almost everyone in those countries have some spanish heritage.

    If you go to Argentina,you'll notice that everyone is White European (usually from spanish ascendance, or sometimes italian,french,jewish,lebanese;armenian,...

    If you go to Bolivia, you'll see that most of people are descendants of Native Indians, and there hadn't been a lot of interracial marriage.

    If you go to Colombia, Venezuela or Cuba, you'll notice that 50 % of the population is mixed Spanish/Native, Spanish/African, Native/African or sometimes even the three at once. And there are also large communities of "unmixed" people, Black or White,etc...

    There is no Latino race : many Black Cubans or Black Colombians  consider themselves as Latinos, and so do the Mexicans or the Salvadorians who don't even have a drop of spanish blood.

    The cultural appartenance feeling has built itself from the language.

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