
Is being cool in school good or bad?

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Is being cool in school good or bad?




  1. There are two ways of thinking about "cool" -- how the cool person feels about themself and how they are perceived by others.

    Sometimes a person who wants to be cool, or thinks they are cool acts in ways which really aren't true to their self. Others can spot this. Because it isn't a true expression of who they really are, they seem fake. There comments and actions can be crude or crass or downright comical because they are "acting" for the people around them.

    Reallly cool kids, are confident. They are cool because they know who they are and what is right for them. Their personality isn't defined by the people they are around or they group they are trying to fit in with. They are just 'real."

  2. being cool is either good or bad. what er way you look at it. you may get more friends and be called cool. but are they really your friends. can you share your secrets with them. can you trust them. if you cant it is best to not be cool. but if they do then you are in a perfect position. if you think these guys are your real friends you are in the best potoin in the world.

  3. As long as your grades are up , do whatever you want , hows that?

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