
Is being in high school easier then i think??

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im going to be a freshman in high school in couple of weeks is it easier then i think it will be?

all my friends from my middle school arent going to the same high school as me so i dont if it will be easier for me to be around differnt people?




  1. High school just has a bigger work load. Thats about it, and the drama is much greater. The advice i would give you is never let people tell you what to do. Live everyday like it will be your last.  

  2. Everyone is nervous about high school, so don't forget that you're not the only one feeling this way.  Because middle schools dump together for high school, everyone is making new friends.  It might take a couple weeks for people to come out of their shell, but you'll be just fine.  

  3. What do you mean by easier?  Academically for most kids it is a lot more work at first but you will get the hang of it after the first few weeks.  The teachers probably will not coddle you as much and expect you to be more responsible.  As far as being easy for you to make friends that is always nerve wracking.  Relax.  There will be lots of others new to the school.  All of you will be looking to make new friends.  Your question isn't very clear.

  4. Ok I am way older than you are. So old that we still called it junior high school but I will tell you that I was in the same position. My junior high was on a boundary and all my friends went to another high school because they lived on the other side of the boundary. I LOVED high

    school. The teachers treated you like an adult instead of like a

    kid. There was more interesting things to do and clubs to join so I made a lot more friends. Because we were older we were able to go

    do more things and our parents trusted us more. It was the best time of my life. Don't be nervous it really is a great adventure especially the closer you get to grad and being out in the 'real world'.Good luck!  

  5. Well think of it this way: do you still have the same exact friends you had when you were in kindergarten?  No.  The reality of friendship is that friends often naturally come and go.  Some will fade away, but you'll make new friends too.

    I went to college knowing all but 4 other people, and it ended up being some of the best years of my life.  For that matter, I'm 33 and I just got back from a vacation to celebrate my friend's 40th birthday some 3000 miles away.  Obviously, we didn't meet in school.

  6. You'll be fine.

  7. how easy do you think it's going to be?

  8. High school is not the easiest thing on Earth, but it is not that difficult IF you make wise decisions. High school is a wonderful opportunity to mature, meet new people, and discover what interests you. Just be a good person and do not slack. Welcome to high school! I hope you will grow and enjoy four wonderful years of your life!

  9. It will be fine. I know adults always say this, but when you are older you will wish you were still in high school. There's always drama that goes on, but it is very easy to meet people because there are different people in each class, and even people from different grades in electives. I went in friends with one group and left being friends with totally different people, because you, your personality, your goals, really change in four years.

  10. dont worry too much about it. just try and be friendly and sociable. if u stress, it will be harder then if u dont worry. everyone at highschool is kind of nervous the first day of freshman year and everyone makes new friends and new cliques are made. hardly ever do the same friends from middle school stay friends in high school.

    youll be fine! dont worry :) its all good

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