
Is being psychic hereditary?

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My great great grandmother could predict death. We even found papers proving that she knew when she was going to die! Also, there was a tornado outside and she was standing by the fence. Her granddaughter told her to come in but she said everything would be fine, and the tornado came right up to the fence and fell apart. I can sense when something bad is going to happen, sometimes a few days in advance. They are almost always right but I never know exactly what's going to happen. Lately though it's been even more prevalent and its been more exact through dreams and such. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?




  1. Yes, in most cases being psychic is hereditary.  It is an ability that is passed on from generation to generation although sometimes it skips one generation and is manifested on the next.  You should be grateful you have this uncanny ability to predict occurrences.  It is a God-given talent, don't misuse it for personal gain.  Good luck!

  2. In my opinion, God gives certain gifts to people. Was your Grandmother religious?

    Well, God gives certain people the gift to foresee certain things, prophecy. It's just that certain people who are not religious, use it for the wrong thing--meaning God may only want a person to know certain things, but the psychic will give the person all of the information, while a person who uses it for God will not give all information.

    My Grandmother had this same gift of foresight. So does my mother. I do too. I don't know if my two sisters have it though because I've never asked.

    The way to sharpen your ability best is to talk to God more. Do you get dreams? The WRONG way to go about it is to start meditating because that will bring you in the PSYCHIC world, which is NOT the way to go.

    With your gift, you should not seek answers(like psychics), but wait until God shows you the answers.


    So to answer your question, yes I do think it is hereditary. I can't say ALL times, but I know at least sometimes it is, judging by you and myself. AND I also believe that someone in your great grandmother's, grandmother's, and mother's generation has the ability as well.

  3. i really don't know much about psychics, but I am really into the paranormal and have seen a lot about psychics.

    i guess it's not 'hereditery' per say, but i'm sure that it is possible that you can have psycic abilities as well. I mean, it has run in your family.

    i guess you can wait it out a little bit and find out whether you are classified as a psycic, but it may just be deja vu, or coincidences.

    but, since your family history shows it, it is plausable.

  4. Now for a real answer, yes it is hereditary.  Women have been passing it down thru the centuries.  Sometimes it skips a generation but not very often.

    Simply put, you have a gift. Meditation will help you sharpen it.

  5. Every child that is born is born with some sort of psychic power... But not being correctly trained at a very young age those power fade as the child grows older and starts talking.................. But some psychic abilities are stronger in some and they start having visions at a young age and sometimes that gift is fostered by the child's imagination and it last  that person a life time...................................

  6. Yes, it is hereditary, and everyone is psychic it just depends on how much they develope that sence. Mabey something is up. Look up how to balance your chakras, you can find this info in books or on the internet, maybe you could find the reason for your stress....good luck...belle

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