Well i'm in gr.11 now and i'm a really quiet respectful guy, i guess you could say shy too, when i talk to people im usually quiet and im not the type of person who talks alot about themselves or shows off. I could say girls think im attractive and i'm pretty smart i have a 93% average and just quiet in class and stuff. But i've noticed people who are loud obnoxious and ignorant have alot more fun with themselves and always have girlfriends go to parties etc. I just wonder if its worth it acting the way that i do, i notice i spend most of my time bored out of my mind at home reading or taking things apart or cleaning my gun lol, i feel more combfotable this way and nicer but i think of it almost as wasting my life, people who used to be my friends who act loud and obnoxouis just seem to have a better life, is being respectful worth it?